Somkid's 'rivals' never in running
February 13, 2001
THE "long, tumultuous search for a finance minister" never took
place. As far as Thaksin Shinawatra was concerned, it all began and ended right
with Dr Somkid Jatusripitak, his right-hand man and an architect of Thai Rak
Thai's landslide election victory.
But it was politically necessary for Thaksin to create a thick smokescreen
surrounding his choice of finance minister. From the outset, he pledged to
manage the country as a business enterprise and at one point hinted he might
concurrently take over the Finance Ministry portfolio.
Then he said he would become the nation's chief executive officer (CEO), with
the finance minister under his government acting as a chief financial officer
(CFO). It followed that public expectations - in contrast to those surrounding
the Chuan government - would not build around the finance minister, since the
CEO would call all the key shots in terms of economic management.
Secondly, there was the delicate issue of MR Chatu Mongol Sonakul, the Bank
of Thailand governor. Chatu Mongol had been tipped to join Thai Rak Thai as
finance minister. His defection from the Democrats, who handpicked him in the
middle of 1998 to become central bank governor, added to the credibility problem
of the Chuan government. Chatu Mongol drew blood from the Democrats when he
declared war against the Finance Ministry over a series of issues.
After engineering a reorganisation of the central bank, Chatu Mongol
privately told his colleagues he would resign from the central bank some time in
September 1999 to enter politics. The governor had earned Thaksin's respect,
having established a good reputation in the international community.
Yet, for Thai Rak Thai, there were risks in appointing Chatu Mongol as
finance minister - what if the party could not control the idiosyncratic
governor? Thaksin's management style would not tolerate any deviations from the
party line.
Chatu Mongol was asked to stay on at the central bank late last year when, as
the country headed toward the January 6 general election, he should have been at
the top of Thai Rak Thai's party list. The reason given to him was that should
he leave the central bank, the Democrats might appoint a candidate of their own.
Any move should come after a Thai Rak Thai victory in the election. Chatu Mongol
bided his time at the central bank: He would wait for the finance job. But the
formal invitation never came.
Thirdly, Thaksin needed to float the names of all the big outsiders on the
Thai financial scene to create the impression the eventual winner would be
drawn, at his will, from a pool of qualified candidates. These distinguished
names included Dr Virabongsa Ramangkura, MR Pridiyathorn Devakula and Dr Kosit
Virabongsa, a famous IMF-basher and conservative macroeconomist, was ruled
out from the beginning because he criticised Thaksin's populist agenda.
Moreover, he did not share the core philosophy of Thai Rak Thai. Still, he cast
his shadow over the party's economic thinking, from boosting domestic-led
growth; easing rules and regulations to keep Thai banks and enterprises moving;
and keeping the baht competitive to bolster exports; to safeguarding Thai
interests against the onslaught of foreign domination.
Maverick Pridiyathorn, the president of the Export and Import Bank of
Thailand, was never an ideal candidate. But his name cropped up from time to
time in the local newspapers. His experience was confined largely to the modern
sector of banking, whereas the task of the new finance minister will encompass
the incorporation of social policy to upgrading the living standards of the
people through the populist programmes bankrolled by the Finance Ministry.
This brought the final choice of an outsider to Kosit, the executive chairman
of Bangkok Bank and a veteran in development economic planning. Of all the
candidates, Kosit's background at the National Economic and Social Development
Board came closest to sharing Thai Rak Thai's populist policies. But Kosit was a
fiscal conservative. It was uncertain whether he would go along with the massive
fiscal commitment necessary if Thai Rak Thai was to fulfil its campaign pledges
or to pump up the economy, given that public-sector debt was soaring to 60 per
cent of gross domestic product.
Another reservation held by Kosit was that he would be deprived of a fat
private-sector salary and bonus from Bangkok Bank if he left to become finance
minister. The law prevents the finance minister from holding a private-sector
job for at least two years after leaving public office.
Fourthly, the smokescreen surrounding his selection of the finance minister
kept the spotlight firmly on Thaksin as he went about consolidating his
political bargaining power. First and foremost, he needed to be catapulted into
becoming Thailand's 23rd prime minister. If he revealed his choice of finance
minister, it would disrupt his deal cutting of Cabinet portfolios with the
coalition partners and with his own party members. Besides, Somkid, if his name
was made known prematurely, would steal the whole show, since all eyes were on
this most important post following the premiership.
Fifthly, Thaksin would need a man in whom he could put all his trust to help
him as he was about to stand trial before the Constitution Court over
allegations that he concealed assets while serving as deputy prime minister in
the Chavalit Yongchaiyudh government. Tax and securities laws under the
jurisdiction of the Finance Ministry would be involved in the case, which would
be weighing heavily on his mind over the next several months. This made it
unlikely that he would rely on an outsider as finance minister to prepare a
legal defence.
Finally, it is Thaksin's style to reward his top people. In the end, it could
have been nobody else but Somkid, because his task would ultimately be to
implement the populist policies of Thai Rak Thai. Legislation would have to be
introduced to fulfil the campaign pledges of the Bt1 million village funds, the
People's Bank, the debt-suspension programme for farmers, and the national
asset-management corporation.
Somkid would be responsible for this tremendous job. If not him, who?