WORLD Bank president James Wolfensohn yesterday expressed his high regard for
His Majesty the King's philosophy of ''sufficiency economy'', indicating that
the concept is well-suited for the comprehensive development of Thailand.
Speaking at the 50th anniversary of the National Economic and Social
Development Board (NESDB), Wolfensohn said he did not take it lightly when he
heard about sufficiency economy in the King's speech in 1998, in which HM
defined it as a moderation path toward sustainable development.
Wolfensohn, who is attending the 10th United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development in Bangkok, went on to praise the King as a man of strong cultural
and historical sense. He added that the monarchic institution is a source of
enormous strength for Thailand and an advantage that other countries do not
Sufficiency economy has indeed become a centrepiece of economic and social
development planning of the NESDB, which is in the process of drafting the
blueprint for the 9th Plan (2002-2006). It is the philosophy that stresses the
middle path as the optimal route.
''His Majesty the King urged the practice of moderation, self-reliance and
adherence to the principles of honesty and integrity while exercising knowledge
with prudence,'' said Dr Savit Bhotiwihok, the minister to the Prime Minister's
Office, who hosted the event.
''Sufficiency economy does not imply self-sufficiency. On the contrary, His
Majesty the King favours a choice of a balanced development strategy in line
with forces of globalisation while shielding oneself against unforeseen shocks
and excesses.''
Savit also quoted the King's speech of Dec 4, 1998, as saying: ''If one is
moderate in one's desires, one will have less craving. If one has less craving,
one will take less advantage of others. If all nations hold this concept of
moderation, without being extreme or insatiable in one's desires, the world will
be a happier place.''
Almost coincidentally, the Thai government's aim to make human capital or
people-participation the centrepiece of its economic and social development plan
is in line with the World Bank's recent approach.
Thailand has passed a new Constitution, which widens the scope for people's
participation in the democratic process. This year's election will be a
watershed period for the country's democratic development. It has also
decentralised the decision-making process by, at this preliminary stage,
allocating 20 per cent of the central budget spending to local administrators.
Under Wolfensohn's leadership, the World Bank has moved over the past two
years to adopt what he calls a comprehensive development framework, dubbed CDF,
as the hallmark of its programme. At the heart of this framework, which is now
underpinning the World Bank's development and poverty reduction programme, lies
people participation.
Instead of treating its development projects as an object of activity,
Wolfensohn said the World Bank has emphasised the partnership of the people in
the projects to make them successful.
''Although this sounds quite simple, it takes us a while to get there,'' he
With a human face and consideration for those who will be affected by the
development programme, the World Bank hopes that its projects will become more
effective in improving the quality of life and reducing poverty in the
developing world. So far it has been subject to criticism, rightly or wrongly,
that its development projects have not helped developing countries to make a
difference and that some, particularly the building of dams, have contributed to
the destruction of natural resources.
However, Wolfensohn admitted that he is confronted with a big challenge over
how to turn the world into a better place to live.
''With three billion people still living under US$2 a day, with growing
inequity between rich and poor, with forests being degraded at the rate of an
acre a second, with 130 million children still not in school, with 1.5 billion
people still not having access to clean water, and two billion people not having
access to sewerage, we cannot be complacent,'' he said.
''More than this, we must be concerned that 80 to 90 million people are being
added annually to our planet, mainly in the developing world.''