Tarrin's diminishing stature may fuel compromise
March 10, 1999 -- Thanong Khanthong
and Vatchara Charoonsantikul say the weakening political stature of
Finance Minister Tarrin Nimmanahaeminda might lead to a compromise on the crucial banking
FINANCE Minister Tarrin Nimmanahaeminda's weakening political stature is undermining
the hard-fought banking reforms, offering the spectre of a prolonged economic recovery.
Since recovery prospects remain dim, support for Tarrin to carry on the banking reform
appears to have weakened politically. A Senate report, authored mainly by Dr Virabongsa
Ramangkura, called for the government to relax its measures on banking reform, which has
only, it charges, worsened the health of the banking industry. If the government continues
to toe the International Monetary Fund (IMF) line, it might eventually have to nationalise
all Thai banks, a real nightmare for the Thai economic system, he further warned.
On Monday Dr Supachai Panitchpakdi, the deputy prime minister and commerce minister,
also took time off from his World Trade Organisation bid to focus on the banking reform.
He promised to take a hard look at the Aug 14 Banking Reform Programme to see why it
hasn't worked. By doing so, the government has begun to admit that the banking reform
programme, a beautiful conceptual design, may need to be fine-tuned to suit the real
What then are the ramifications of this critical move, which might lead to some
adjustments to the Bt300-billion banking reform package? Supachai said he has total
confidence in the spirit of the banking reform package, except that some of its details
might have to be adjusted to make it more practical. Any further delay in banking reform
will also dampen prospects of a recovery.
Since its inception last year, only Siam Commercial Bank has formally applied for
Bt26-Bt27 billion in government funds to support its Bt52-Bt54-billion recapitalisation.
Thai Military Bank should soon enter the tough programme, so will other smaller banks and
finance companies.
But most other bigger privately-held banks still resist the temptations of government
money for fear of losing their ownership and management control -- the two tough
conditions that accompany the banking reform package.
Any minor changes to the banking reform package might be acceptable to the IMF, but its
core philosophy cannot be compromised. At a recent roundtable discussion, Stanley Fischer,
IMF's first deputy managing director, told Thai academics that infusion of government
money to bail out the banks should not benefit cronyism or the old family shareholders,
who committed the mistakes or caused damage to their banks in the first place.
''[The bail-out] usually has to be done in a way which ensures that those who committed
the mistakes, that helped create a crisis as deep as this one, don't benefit from it,''
Fischer said.
''That usually involves changes in management, changes in ownership, or at a minimum a
severe dilution of ownership. It's very unpleasant for those who own the banks and of
course they will always fight it politically. In terms of incentives and social justice,
it's important that the previous owners are not the beneficiaries of government funds,
which are intended to get the economy restarted and create a new healthy banking system.''
Guerrilla warfare
Tarrin is engaging in guerrilla warfare principally against the Sophonpanich, Lamsam
and Ratanarak families, who control Bangkok Bank, Thai Farmers Bank and Bank of Ayudhya.
His strategy is to force them, little by little, into the corner until they give in by
seeking tier-1 capital support from the Aug 14 Banking Restructuring Programme. Once these
banks undergo a one-time surgery by tapping government money, they -- presumably under new
managements -- will be in a position to re-lend money again.
For sure, these family banks, which control more than 40 per cent of the market share,
have resisted the government's tier-1 capital support, which to them is laced with
Tarrin's poison.
Tier-1 represents the core capital of the banks, which are required to maintain the
ratio at 4.25 per cent of the total risk assets, mostly loans. But since the banks are
suffering from rising non-performing loans (NPLs), which will eat into their core capital
through write-downs, they are not likely, looking down the road, to be able to maintain
the capital adequacy ratio.
To Tarrin, however, there is nothing wrong with the Aug 14 Banking Restructuring
Programme, considered his brainchild. If there is any weakness in the package, it lies in
the family shareholders, who cannot admit to the cruel fact that the banks, saddled with
40-50 per cent NPLs in their books, are no longer theirs.
Tarrin's dilemma is that 18 months into the Thai crisis, time is not on his side.
Patience with his leadership to lift the Thai economy out of the recession is running
thin. If the economy does not show signs of improvement after the first half of this year,
Tarrin has admitted that he would be in deep political trouble.
And for the economy to take off, the banks must function in their intermediary role or
must start to lend out money again. But the bankers have argued that the government must
tackle the economic problems first before they start to extend fresh loans. Any lending of
new loans will have to be backed by new capital, a luxury that the banks do not have.
Chulakorn Singhakowin, the president of the Bank of Asia, said while he supports
banking and corporate reform, he sympathises with the banks for their extreme caution over
credit during this time of severe economic recession. ''If the banks are not careful with
their lending, they might add more NPLs to their books,'' he said. ''The most important
thing that banks should do now is to work on corporate debt restructuring by looking into
the appropriate debt-to-equity structure of their clients and moving on from there.''
Tarrin's guerrilla tactic did backfire. His comment given to Goldman Sachs, the US
investment bank, that Bangkok Bank was the greatest threat to the banking system led to a
big sell-off of the bank's stocks last month. A local newspaper, Manager Daily, took him
to task, and certainly beyond sound journalism, by calling him a ''traitor''. Tarrin was
forced to come out publicly to retract his comment to Goldman Sachs. The following day he
sued Manager Daily.
The episode shows that it is not easy to take on the family banks or win broad-based
reform support. It is no secret that Tarrin's relationship with the family banks have
At a time when he wants the banks to recapitalise adequately and start to lend money
into the economic system, the family banks are doing the opposite. Instead of raising the
tier-1 capital, they have opted to issue stapled limited interest-preferred structures
(Slips), high-interest bonds with equity features. Thai Farmers Bank has raised Bt40
billion through Slips. Bangkok Bank and Bank of Ayudhya plan to raise equally Bt40 billion
through Slips.
By issuing Slips, the shareholders have transferred the burden to the banks, which have
to pay high interest for the Slips instead of digging into their pockets to subscribe to
new equity. Slips also allow the banks to buy time for another two to three years while
they continue to downsize their risk assets in earnest to add to the contractionary effect
on the economy.
A Bt1-trillion ticket
The scale of the problems in the banking sector is so big that only government
intervention can tackle them. Standard & Poor's, the US credit rating agency, has
estimated that some US$30 billion is needed on top of the Bt300 billion provided in the
Aug 14th package to recapitalise the banking system adequately. S&P's is talking about
a Bt1-trillion ticket.
Dr Virabongsa said asking the Thai banks to recapitalise by another Bt1 trillion is
asking for the impossible. He called for sweeping revisions in the banking reform package
to help the Thai banks weather the crisis otherwise all the banks will eventually fall
into the hands of the government. Following Virabongsa's remark, the debate over the
banking reform has taken a new twist.
A foreign banker argued in support of the existing programme, saying: ''The Aug 14
Banking Restructuring Programme is working fine. There is nothing wrong with it, save for
the main problem that the old shareholders still demand a free lunch and do not want to
lose their control.''
He provided a rough calculation that tells the story. Given total bank credit of Bt7.36
trillion in the financial system, banks get 85 per cent of this amount of money for
lending from public deposits, 12 per cent from the shareholders' equity, and 3 per cent
from interbank borrowings. Since 50 per cent of their credit has gone sour, there is a
chance that they may face permanent damage to the tune of 25-30 per cent of the NPLs.
''The important question is who will bear the burden of this permanent loss of 25-30
per cent of the total bank lending incurred from the collapse of the financial bubble? For
the banks' equity of 12 per cent will be completely written down to partially offset the
losses from the NPLs. The answer is that the remaining balance from the damages will be
shouldered by the Financial Institution Development Fund,'' the foreign banker said.
He said this means that in theory the banking system has to be nationalised and that
the government needs to send in new management teams to run the banks.
But complete nationalisation of the banking system is not on Tarrin's agenda, otherwise
he would not have worked out the Aug 14th package in the first place. The experience with
nationalising six banks has shown that government teams are the worst choice for running
the banks.
The question is whether Tarrin will compromise by softening some of the Aug 14th
measures. From the bankers' perspective, the toughest measure in the Aug 14th Banking
Restructuring Programme lies in a requirement for the banks seeking government's tier-1
capital support to set full provisionings for loan losses according to the year 2000
accounting standard. Another equally tough condition is a demand that the government will
have a say in any change of management.
In the first instance, the shareholders might lose their shirts if they have to write
down their capital to account for the bad debts on day one. Secondly, losing management
control is the last thing they want to see. Dr Nimit Nonthapunthawat of Bangkok Bank said
if the government allows the old management to continue for another two years after
receiving the tier-1 capital on condition that they can turn around the banks, that will
be a good compromise.
''For Chatri [Sophonpanich] to step down from Bangkok Bank, that might be possible. But
asking him to further remove Chartsiri [Chatri's son] from the management, I don't think
he will agree to that. And he will fight to the end,'' said a strategist of a major bank
some time ago.
Some compromises?
Since the banking crisis has deepened beyond anybody's expectations, there might be
pressure for the government to compromise on the reform package. George Morgan, who used
to head a foreign brokerage house, said the Aug 14 reform package is not doing enough to
address the problem of bank recapitalisation, particularly the weaker banks. In the
meantime, banks only engage in cosmetic manoeuvers to help them survive by delaying the
real reform necessary to put them back on a healthy path, he added.
He urged the authorities to tackle the NPL problem at its roots by nationalising [or
carving out] the bad debts from the banks' books instead of letting the banks handle the
debts by themselves. By doing so, the NPL problem can be handled more effectively.
Dr Thanong Bidaya, the president of Thai Military Bank, has called for the package to
address the banks' deteriorating tier-1 capital rather than balancing it out with the
tier-2 capital. ''If the banks agree to a hair-cut (reducing the debts) in debt
restructuring or embark on new credit extension, the government -- instead of helping the
banks to recapitalise with tier-2 capital -- should support the banks' tier 1 capital,''
he said.
Revising the Aug 14 reform package is necessary, Thanong added, because when it was
formulated NPLs were hovering around 20-25 per cent, which would not have required banks
to slash too deep into their core capital to compensate the losses. Now that the NPLs have
risen to 40-50 per cent, the package must be revised to address the severity of the
Thanong was not sure whether the IMF would go along with his suggestion, but he argued
that since the NPLs are too high and the government-intervened bank still need to operate
as ongoing concerns, the revisions to the package are worth a try.
A regulatory official looking after the banking reform package says if there are any
revisions, it's principle that government money must not suffer losses must be
compromised. There is a clause in the package that requires the government to buy the
preferred shares from the banks in return for tier-1 capital support at a price that is
not below the book value. In addition, when the government sells the preferred shares back
to the banks, it must not incur losses.
''But since the conditions in some banks are very weak, the government may have to
accept that its money will have to suffer some losses,'' said the official. He says it is
cheaper for the government to intervene in the banks and keep them operating because by
doing so it only has to aid the banks with the minimum capital adequacy ratio of 8 per
cent. If the banks are wholly intervened, the government will have to be responsible for
100 per cent of the banks' lending portfolio, a burden it wants to avoid, he added.
The problems in the banking sector are so complex that no easy route can be found
without pains or damage to public money. The problem is how to minimise the public costs
and repair the banking system to its normal functioning.
The price tag of the public bail-out of the banking system appears to keep rising, from
30 per cent of the GDP to 35 per cent, according to S&P's latest estimate.
Surprisingly, the government has not come forward to explain more clearly the impending
burden that must be borne if the banking reform fails.