Olarn failed to recognise signs, leaves as 'fall guy'
APRIL 7, 1999 -- UNLIKE the more opportunistic Dr
Som Jatusripitak, who left Siam City Bank right before it collapsed on his head, Dr Olarn
Chaipravat decided to carry the burden of high office at the Siam Commercial Bank (SCB)
until his last hours when he finally got the word to resign.
It was all a question of diplomacy and face-saving for Olarn to leave without creating
any public impression of ill-feeling between him and the bank. Yet in what appeared to be
a routine board of directors' meeting on a long Monday afternoon, there lurked a difficult
manoeuvre for the bank, dominated by major shareholder the Crown Property Bureau, to
settle the leadership crisis once and for all.
The matter was made clear. Nobody at SCB was indispensable. For the sake of the
institution, Olarn would have to go and take the blame for all the bank's mishaps. As
widely expected, Jada Wattanasiritham, the senior executive vice president, was voted in
to succeed Olarn, becoming the first Thai woman to head a major commercial bank.
Olarn's departure was inevitable following shareholders' approval the same day of a
gigantic recapitalisation plan of Bt65 billion to assure the bank's solvency. Half of this
amount will be sold in preferred stocks in a global offering, while the other half will be
subscribed by the government's tier-1 capital support programme.
Thailand's fourth largest commercial bank is at a critical juncture. The success of the
recapitalisation plan lies in foreign investors' confidence in the SCB leadership. And it
is general knowledge that the relationship between Olarn and foreign investors and
analysts has been very sour. Since the start of the Thai financial crisis, Olarn had been
expressing economic views that several foreign investors and analysts considered to be
anti-market, if not blatantly erroneous.
''The foreign investors don't like him. One of the conditions set by the financial
advisers for Siam Commercial Bank to mount a road show is that Olarn must not be in the
management,'' said one financial source. Another analyst recalled an encounter with Olarn,
who, upon being asked about some conditions at the bank, replied, ''I won't tell you
because you won't believe me anyway''.
Only three days ahead of SCB's schedule to launch a global offering on three
continents, covering Asia, Europe and the United States, Jada quickly took the helm,
confirming the speculation in February that she had been earmarked for the top job. Jada,
a confidante and at times a speech-writer for Finance Minister Tarrin Nimmanahaeminda,
will be representing the bank as its top saleswoman, trying to attract foreign
institutional investors to subscribe to the bank's global offering.
The financial source said market talks estimated SCB's offering would fetch Bt21 a
share, while Chumpol na Lamlieng, the bank's executive chairman, believed the figure would
be about Bt20. This is a premium above the present market value of the bank, which is
traded at about Bt18.25 a share.
Apart from making several incorrect economic forecasts, Olarn also misread the true
gravity of the financial and banking crises, a mistake that would plunge his banking
career into even greater turmoil. In June 1997, he was one of the top candidates to
succeed Dr Amnuay Viravan as finance minister. Amnuay's decision to quit stemmed from
coalition-party politics, which sought to force his resignation in order to pave the way
for the Chat Pattana Party to take over the finance portfolio.
Gen Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, then prime minister, was under tremendous pressure to come
up with an internationally-accepted finance minister to handle the country's deteriorating
economic and financial state. Less than a fortnight from the date that Thailand would
yield to pressure by floating the baht on July 2, 1997, Chavalit extended an invitation to
Olarn, who was known to be closer to the now almost-defunct Palang Dharma Party than the
New Aspiration Party.
Olarn, who at that time had been heading the SCB for more than four years, faced a
dilemma. He realised that the finance portfolio was not an easy job, given all the
constraints arising from the volatility of the political condition of the coalition
government at that time. Amnuay's difficulties were an evident example. Besides, SCB, like
all other Thai banks, was also sliding into poorer financial shape and, looking ahead,
would still require his leadership to carry it through the financial turmoil.
In the end, he was persuaded by the major shareholders of the bank to stick to his
presidency. He agreed to stay, not realising at the time that he would later regret the
critical decision he had made. The finance minister's job went to Dr Thanong Bidaya, the
president of the Thai Military Bank, who was the last choice Chavalit had at the time.
In a parallel situation in late October 1997, about two weeks before the fall of the
Chavalit regime, Som of the troubled Siam City Bank found the offer from Chavalit to
replace Dr Narongchai Akrasanee as commerce minister an excellent opportunity to jump
ship. He quickly accepted the invitation and left the bank, hence narrowly escaping the
humiliation of experiencing all the weight of the bank's problem loans collapsing on his
shoulders some months later. Siam City Bank, along with other troubled banks, was
nationalised by the banking regulators, and most people quickly forgot that it used to be
headed by Som.
Olarn's decision to stay on at SCB was to become increasingly unpleasant for him. He
would face a set of image problems and constraints that would dog his reputation and
standing in the Thai banking community.
First, his credibility as Thailand's top economist had been irretrievably tarnished. He
was the first economist to predict the golden age of the Thai economy when Thailand took
off in a grandiose way in 1987, and he was right on target throughout the boom years.
Olarn's errors started as a result of his failure to recognise in the beginning of the
1990s the sharp build-up of capital inflow, most of which was short-term, to create the
financial bubble. By 1994-95, he was predicting that Thailand, which was facing a growing
current account deficit, by the turn of the century should turn the corner to become a
capital-surplus country due to increased competitiveness of the Thai economy. All other
Thai economists also failed to read the high risks created by the inflow of capital, which
not only led to asset bubbles but also pushed Thailand into unproductive investments.
SCB's diversification into real estate and other businesses would eventually take its toll
on the bank.
Second, as a banker, Olarn was seen to be too close to politics, or more specifically
the Palang Dharma Party which had earmarked him to become its finance minister if it could
get its hands on political power.
Third, Olarn faced the ironic problem of having less liberty as a professional banker
to make decisions than his family-supported counterparts, namely Banthoon Lamsam of Thai
Farmers Bank or Chartsiri Sophonpanich of the Bangkok Bank.
''To be fair to him, Olarn could not move Siam Commercial Bank to recapitalise fast
enough in the face of growing banking distress since 1997 because the shareholders did not
have the money. If the bank were to recapitalise, the shareholders' stake would be
diluted,'' said a person familiar with the SCB some time ago.
As it turned out, the SCB could only raise Bt379 million in January 1998 by selling
stock to the Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan, who would also subscribe a further Bt60
million three months later. Sanwa Bank of Japan stepped in to buy the stock for Bt223.38
million in April 1998, bringing the bank's capital to a mere Bt5.8 billion.
Thai Farmers Bank and Bangkok Bank took more decisive steps with their global offerings
in March and April 1998, respectively. Both were successful, taking in about US$1 billion
each and ensuring their solvency in the face of the financial crisis. ''After Thai Farmers
Bank and Bangkok Bank's offerings, the global market was shut down for Siam Commercial
Bank. Why should Thailand need a third bank?'' said an investment analyst from a European
investment banking firm last year.
Along with other remaining banks, the SCB's future looked bleak and it would have been
one of the candidates for nationalisation if Finance Minister Tarrin had not come up with
a comprehensive banking reform package, known as the Aug 14 Banking Restructuring
Programme. There were sarcastic remarks made in the market that Tarrin had produced this
programme specifically to save the SCB and Krung Thai Bank.
SCB later had to accept the reality that it would need a government bail-out because,
to satisfy banking rules on loan-loss provisions and capital adequacy requirements, it
would need a fresh capital injection of between Bt40-Bt60 billion.
Late last year, after the bank announced its plan to secure capital support from the
government's banking reform package, rumours started to spread in the market of Olarn's
impending departure. One of the conditions in the banking reform package is that the
government will have a say in changing a bank's management if it deems it necessary to
justify the use of public money.
Knowing that his future at the bank was over, Olarn wanted to go. But, as a gentleman,
he could not jump ship in the middle of the crisis and leave the impression that he was
running away from the problem. Olarn agreed to stay on to ensure a smooth recapitalisation
of the bank.
In the meantime, SCB's financial position has become weaker. Now it has set aside only
51 per cent, or Bt28.11 billion, out of the total requirement of Bt54.79 billion, in 100
per cent provisions against loan losses. Its non-performing loans have reached 34 per
cent, or Bt190 billion of total loans of Bt550 billion. Due to these huge problems, the
bank is under pressure to raise its capital all at once from Bt5.8 billion to Bt70
By sticking with the SCB to the very end, Olarn has had to leave the bank with
humiliation and accept the blame for all its problems. He is paying a dear price for not
only his misreading of the macroeconomic situation, but also his personal miscalculation
of the full gravity of the banking and financial crises.