Bank authorities must act decisively, says Dresdner chief
May 15, 2000
THE outgoing general manager of Dresdner Bank AG has urged the country's
banking authorities to resort to a more decisive way to deal with the high level
of non-performing loans in the banking sector -- by going back to a
good-bank/bad-bank approach.
Since the outset of the banking crisis, Vichai Punpocha, who heads back to
Frankfurt before the end of this month, has been campaigning for the
good-bank/bad-bank concept to deal with NPLs.
This approach, if implemented artfully, will carve out the banks' problem
loans, leaving them with a clean balance sheet overnight, he maintains.
"How can we tackle the stock-market slump when we do not have any star
performers? In the past the star performers of the stock exchange were the banks
and the finance companies. Now they are saddled with high NPLs. The credit
system is paralysed," Vichai said.
"More decisive measures must be implemented to clean up the NPLs, so
that the banks can become star performers again," he said.
So far the Thai authorities have opted for a multiple approach in coping with
the banking crisis and the large number of NPLs.
They began by closing down the weak financial institutions and then
auctioning off their assets through the Financial Sector Restructuring
This was followed by an intervention in the other weak banks before trying to
resell them to the foreign banks.
For the remaining private banks, a government-sponsored August 14 Banking
Restructuring Programme was established in 1998 to assist them with
Then the authorities moved on to put in place a market-mediated mechanism, or
asset-management corporations, with tax incentives to help the sagging banks
tackle their NPLs.
For all the tedious efforts, the progress of bringing down the NPLs has been
slow, so slow that investors have begun to lose confidence in the Thai financial
NPLs now stand at 37 per cent of total loans.
Much worse, there are new NPLs and old NPLs from the restructured debts
popping up to the tune of Bt200 billion to Bt300 billion. A recent heavy
sell-off of Thai equities to a five-month low could also be attributed to
disappointment on the part of the institutional investors with the progress of
the financial sector's reform and the persistently high level of NPLs.
Vichai said the August 14 Banking Restructuring Programme, established in
1998 as a state-assisted recapitalisation scheme for the banks, was good in that
it provided a cushion for the banks that needed state money for capital
increases but their NPLs had to be resolved in a more clear-cut way by
separating their good assets from their bad assets.
Here is his formula:
If a bank loses Bt40 from its total lending of Bt100, it means it is saddled
with 40 per cent NPLs.
It can then not get back on its feet because incomes from the 60 per cent of
performing loans cannot offset the bleeding from the 40 per cent of NPLs.
The way to do it is to split its operation into two, by setting up a good
bank with assets of Bt60 and a bad bank with assets of Bt40.
The shareholders will have to take a hit, but they will still proportionately
hold shares in the good bank and the bad bank, which will be transformed into an
asset-management corporation (AMC). The AMC will be a completely separate
entity. Vichai says the good bank, whose assets shrink significantly from the
original size, will be operating from day one with a clean balance sheet.
As a virgin bank, it can begin lending to businesses without having to worry
about the NPLs or provisioning for loan losses. "If each of the good banks
in the system is sold to a strategic partnersor foreign bank at 25 per cent,
they will once again become very attractive. The strategic partners must be
selected from a broad range and on the basis of their different banking
strengths, so that Thailand gets the best from the world," Vichai says.
As for the bad bank, an insolvency practitioner will be appointed to
trouble-shoot its bad assets.
The insolvency practitioner will know when to call in the property valuers or
the legal officers or to take cases to court. If during a period of say five or
10 years, the problem loans in the bad bank can be recovered by 50 per cent --
or Bt20 in this particular case -- the shareholders will get half of their money
This will prevent a Financial Sector Restructuring Authority-style of
auctioning that leads to domestic asset price collapse.
Reserves against loan losses from the good bank, which has downsized its
operation, can then be transferred proportionately to the bad bank.
By doing so, the government, or the Financial Institution Development Fund,
will cost less in compensating the bad bank's losses. And that is because it is
not assuming responsibility for the entire risk of the bank in its original
size, as is happening now with Bangkok Metropolitan Bank or Siam City Bank.