Ammar urges end to deficit spending
May 31, 2000
WELL-KNOWN economist Dr Ammar Siamwalla has urged the government to abandon
fiscal deficit spending designed to stimulate the economy, arguing that the
deficit has led to an artificial strengthening of the baht which makes Thai
exports less competitive.
The weight of government spending in the Thai economy, once the fiscal
consolidation takes place, will be offset by increased earnings from exports, a
major engine driving the recovery process, he told a gathering of the American
Chamber of Commerce.
Fiscal deficit strengthens the baht because it somehow forces the government
to borrow. The inflow from government borrowings creates a stronger currency.
The reality check for Thailand is how it is going to
pay for the bills to the tune of Bt800 billion-Bt1.2 trillion, created
by the government's bailout of the financial system.

Ammar said the Thai currency at Bt36-Bt37 to the US dollar is too strong in
terms of a real effective exchange rate. However, he is now rather comfortable
with the baht at more than Bt39 to the US dollar, a level that should boost
export competitiveness.
At present, the Thai economy is run by three engines, namely exports,
domestic consumption and government spending. Private investment has yet to make
any significant comeback to power the momentum of the economic recovery because
the banking system remains in a shambles.
Relying heavily on the export sector to lead the recovery might run into a
snag in the event of a slowdown in the US economy or a recession. But Ammar said
the US bubble, if it is to pop out or go bust in a big bang, will create another
set of economic problems for Thailand and the rest of the world.
He also called for a consolidation of the government's fiscal position, which
has gone into deficit over the past two fiscal years, because of rising public
The reality check for Thailand is how it is going to pay for the bills to the
tune of Bt800 billion-Bt1.2 trillion, created by the government's bailout of the
financial system.
Ammar pointed out that a present reading of the Thai economic situation shows
an interesting paradox. If one confines the perspective to the flow of business,
one gets the impression that things are actually improving.
He produced three charts showing improvements in the quarterly growth of the
non-agriculture gross domestic product growth, private consumption of
electricity and non-food manufacturing index.
That is the good news.
But if one were to turn to the stock market, the picture is quite messy. The
stock market no longer serves its function as a conduit for companies to raise
Ammar said the stock market is sick because some 95 per cent companies'
balance sheets are weak.
In his opinion, there are four dominoes - the corporate sector, the banking
sector, the Financial Institutions Development Fund and the government sector -
that need to be observed.
"The corporate sector is very sick. We know that from their balance
sheets, because they have become the NPLs of the banking sector," Ammar
The problem is that the NPLs have not been tackled or reduced but have been
stretched out. They are returning to haunt the Thai banking system, as evidenced
by their re-entry.
Probably due to social or cultural reasons, it is extremely difficult to
reform the corporate sector even though the bankruptcy and foreclosure
frameworks have been introduced. Ammar said it is time-consuming to restructure
the corporate sector.
Unlike in the case of bankrupt US companies, the equity holders will be wiped
out. The employees suddenly see a new management team show up. And things move
on as usual.
"That's why we're stuck where we are," Ammar said.
If an angel of death were to pass through the city of Bangkok and rewrite the
balance sheets of Thai companies to reflect the present discount values or the
real ownership, Ammar said, Thailand will be completely cured from the crisis
overnight. The problem now is how to sort out the balance sheets and all the
expensive carrying costs.
That is the first domino as far as Ammar is concerned. The second domino for
Thailand is the banks. So far banks have been reluctant to write down their
assets because they will come under pressure to recapitalise.
Ammar could not think of a way out but suggested that there should be some
other way around the banking system to channel money from the savers to the
The third domino is the mountain of debt on the shoulder of the FIDF, Ammar
The Finance Ministry believes that the FIDF's debt obligation should
eventually stand at Bt800 billion, while the Bank of Thailand has put the figure
at Bt1.2 trillion. This does not include the Bt500 billion in compensation to
the 56 defunct finance companies.
Overall, the obligation of the FIDF stands at Bt1.7 trillion. Assuming an
interest rate of 5 per cent, the annual carrying cost of the FIDF is Bt85
billion, which is equivalent to 2 per cent of the gross national product or GNP.
To finance this huge bill, the best way is to grow the economy to take care
of the problem debts and to increase the government's tax revenue.
But Ammar said the government also has room to raise taxes to finance the
FIDF's debt.
The final domino in his eyes is the government. With the upcoming election,
he does not think that a miracle will happen. The only political issue that
matters is how the government will foot the public debt bills.
And Ammar does not believe that a Thaksin Shinawatra government will make any