PARIS -- Jean-Paul Fitoussi, the president of the Observatoire Francais des
Conjonctures Economiques, has been focusing his research into market and democracy, two
prevailing yet paradoxical forces that try to co-exist. ''In the market, you have a
one-dollar one-vote situation. But in democracy, you have one man, one vote,'' he says.
Ironically, market, which looks after its narrow self-interest, needs a stable
government and democracy to ensure that it works. It is the nature of market to chase
after profits and growth, disregarding any human emotions. Yet democracy also means that
all people are equally treated, a guarantee that is irrelevant to the market's interest.
The general assumption now is that just let the market works its way, so that its
trickle-down effect will benefit the general populace in the society. ''The point is that
how market and democracy can co-exist, so that finally social justice can be achieved,''
Fitoussi says.
The crisis in Asia is a rude awakening, exemplifying how brutal and uncompromising
market force is if it does not have its own way and how the constraints of having to
nurture democracy is putting Asian governments under tremendous pressure. The once
laudable Asian value, no matter what it means, is losing ground to the Western-style
market force.
''I don't believe there is such a thing as Asian value,'' says a strategic planner at
France's Foreign Ministry. What he is trying to say is that, you either get it right or
get it wrong.
For now Asian value is a dirty word, evoking negative connotations such as nepotism,
cronyism, cosy business and government relationships and corruption. This inherent
weakness in the system of the Asian countries has amplified the crisis when the trouble
starts. The strive to put market and democracy back to work has also complicated by a
threat of growing social unrest.
Look at what is happening in Indonesia. It has received a US$40 billion rescue package
from the International Monetary Fund, whose primary objective is to ensure that market
force works again in the wrecked economy. But by introducing the the tough medicines to
stabilise the economy by ending the subsidies or levying higher taxes, the IMF has been
accused of triggering social unrest. Democracy in Indonesia just cannot keep up with the
discipline of market at this juncture. Calls for more democracy by dismantling the
Suharto's legacy of nepotism and cronyism entails that there must also be food on the
table for the 200 million people. This is not an easy task.
Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai is widely accepted in the international community. He is
more appreciated by the foreigners than by his compatriot Thais. Look at what he has done
so far during more than his six months in office, during which time Thailand has won
recognition as a good student of the IMF. ''The international community has recognised
what the Thai government has done so far in fulfilling the tough requirements of the IMF.
Speaking from the creditors' side, they would like to make sure that the IMF programme is
successful and they have a chance of getting their money back,'' said a senior official of
the French Foreign Ministry.
Any measures the Chuan government have introduced are market-friendly or aimed at
ensuring that market works again in Thailand. In a speech last month in a Hong Kong
conference, organised by Credit Lyonnais, Chuan sent a message across that the priorities
of his government are to stabilise the baht exchange rate, roll over the foreign debts and
embark on the banking system restructuring. Then in the middle of his speech, he began to
touch on the social programme, supported mainly by the World Bank and by a looser fiscal
policy struck with the IMF.
Social critics at home so far have not given Chuan a good time, accusing his government
of bailing out the rich at the expenses of the poor. This is true. The cost of bailing out
the financial system has been estimated at Bt500 billion, an amount that will have to be
equally shared by all Thais through the budget process. But from the leadership's point of
view, the system or the country, increasingly being governed and dominated by internal and
global market forces, must be saved first otherwise any subsequent social programmes will
be rendered obsolete. It is difficult for Chuan to sell this theme at a time of growing
unemployment and social disruptions.
In his more recent speech in Bangkok, Chuan pledged to pursue the market-oriented
policy. ''We remain firmly committed to the liberalisation process, one with transparent
rules of the game and appropriate regulatory oversight,'' he said. ''We recognise that the
past and future success of Thailand depends upon our ability to absorb the best of
international influences, yet at the same time allow Thai industries to prosper along with
their foreign partners and investors.'' What a soothing speech to the market ears!
Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's statesman who has had some earlier big fights against the
Western leaders over Asian-style democracy and Western-style democracy, has come out with
some harshest comments against the Asean leadership in the midst of the crisis. He charged
that former Thai prime minister Gen Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, Malaysian Prime Minister
Mahathir Mohamad, and former Indonesian president Suharto did not understand the market,
sticking to policies that amplified the crisis that could have been alleviated. Yew was
angry that fundamentally sound as the Singaporean economy is, it is hit hard by the
contagion crisis, made even worse by the ignorant Asean leaders of the market force.
Mahathir could not care less. He went on venting his anger against what appears to be
Western conspiracy against the Eastern countries. ''They [foreign powers] are trying to
destroy all that we have built, the developments we have achieved and the corporate
figures we have nurtured. Their intention is to enslave the Malays,'' he said in a speech
on Friday. In an interview with the latest edition of Time magazine, Mahathir also made it
clear that he was not a champion of the market force. ''I am not saying that I am an
expert about the market economy. I feel that no everything about the market economy is
right. And I think people are pushing the market economy in order to get the best
advantage for themselves.''
With this Mahathir's comment, the battle for to achieve a balance between market and
democracy continues and it won't unravel easily, even after the financial and foreign
exchange crises have been laid to rest.