PARIS -- Paul E Atkinson, chief of the Division of Economic Perspectives, OECD's
Department of Economic Affairs, says apart from excessive optimism, weaknesses in
corporate governance and the lack of transparency have also amplified the Asian crisis.
Corporate governance is in vogue whenever performance problems arise, both at the national
and company levels.
As seen from Europe, corporate governance in developing countries still has a long way
to go before reaching international standards. After the outbreak of the Asian crisis,
corporate governance has become indispensable, separating good and bad companies and
facilitating a corporation's ability to raise capital or become a competitive player in
the global markets.
The OECD recently published a set of guidelines on corporate governance, a product
prepared by its business sector advisory group.
The OECD economies now rely more than ever on the corporations as the engine to raise
capital, create jobs, earn profits and divide the value added for its success.
Strengthening the corporations and increasing their competitiveness is thus the primary
''Corporations must be able to develop and implement their respective competitive
advantages, to raise capital, to assemble and redeploy resources to that end and, at the
same time, to meet the expectations of their shareholders, employees, suppliers,
creditors, customers, communities and society at large,'' The OECD report says.
''Corporate governance comprehends that structure of relationships and corresponding
responsibilities among a core group consisting of shareholders, board members and managers
designed to best foster the competitive performance required to achieve the corporations'
primary objective.''
Not until early this year has the movements of governance gained some visible momentum
in Thailand. But it is the bureaucratic and political governance that appears to attract
broader public interest. Corporate governance has not reached a broader base, although it
is also one of the underlying structural problems that have contributed to the present
deterioration of the Thai economy and the lower standard of living.
Thirayudh Boonmee, the social critic and academic from Thammasat University, has tried
to ignite a movement to propagate the cause of bureaucratic and political governance. His
ambition is to shake up the institutional foundations and lead to genuine political and
social reform.
But Thirayudh needed a leader of charisma like Anand Panyarachun, the former prime
minister, to drive home his message. Anand, in fact, was the first to use the words
''transparency'' and ''governance'' during his short tenure as prime minister in the early
1990s. When he was approached early this year by Thirayudh to join him in the thammarat,
Anand showed initial hesitation. After his high profile role in the constitutional reform
process, Anand did not want another high-profile task. But he did not mind if Thirayudh
was to use some of his old material on which he made his numerous speeches.
By the way, no one could claim a monopoly on this flashy idea of governance, a Western
word that does not have an equivalent literary translation in Thai. Later Anand did
participate in some talkshows to promote governance. In his opinion, governance is nothing
more than a transparent process, which is governed by a checks-and-balance system, which
is accountable and by which the public can participate in the democratic principles.
But governance has not taken a firm root in Thailand and elsewhere in the region due to
the absence of strong institutional reforms over the changing eras. Asian countries won't
be able to compete against the West insofar as their institutions remain inherently weak.
The governments are there to oppress in order to serve the interests of the ruling
classes or the politicians. Corporations are there to serve the interests of the families,
the major shareholders or the management which happen to be the same group of people.
Institutions, from the central banking system, the exchange watchdog, the judificial
system, the accounting standards, to the enforcement of the rules and the laws, are still
too weak to cope with the rampant cronyism, nepotism and corruption. No country can
survive or prosper if their institutions are weak and tamed.
Urban C Lehner, executive editor of Dow Jones Asia, says it was not long after the
crash in 1929 that the US began to form the Securities Exchange Commission, which would be
playing an important role in laying down the institutional framework and standard for
today's US corporations. In other words, he says, it takes pain and time for people to
change for the better.
Without a governance framework, excess borrowings and corrupted and reckless loan
practices have contributed to the present financial crisis. Last year a Euorpean banker
expressed his big disappointment over goverance in the Thai system when General Finance
& Securities Plc was shut down along with 15 other ailing finance companies in June
1997, although Suthee Peat & Marwick, the accounting firm, gave the company's 1996
accounting book a clean bill of health.
The Stock Exchange of Thailand is studying corporate governance in earnest, as is Thai
Rating Information and Services Co Ltd, the rating agency, which under the leadership of
Dr Vorapatr Tothanakasem wants to contribute to this new movement.
The drastic institutional reforms, initiated under the International Monetary Fund
support programme, are indeed sweeping, however. The banking sector will never be the
same. Regulations will be tougher; the standard of public disclosure will be higher.
If Thailand is declared a bankrupt nation and driven by external forces into a corner,
it will be forced to change. Governance, either corporate or government, that will emerge
from this painful process must be traded for the loss of autonomy.