June 28, 1999 -- THE great credit crunch presently ravaging the Thai economy
proved to be no obstacle at all for liquor tycoon Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi to
raise any amount of money, if necessary, to defend his whisky empire.
The Bt18 billion whisky bond, recently launched by LSPV Co Ltd, one of his
privately-controlled companies, is part of his big gamble to maintain his
predominance in the liquor market where he has enjoyed somewhat of a monopoly
over the past decade.
Now that the government's concession for Mekong liquor will expire by the end
of this year, Charoen isn't sure whether he'll beat his rivals in the cut-throat
bidding for exclusive rights to produce and distribute the popular brand that
embodies the Thai drinking culture.
He will show no mercy in the whisky war. If he is to lose out in the bidding,
his rival should lose to. How?
Charoen will be stocking up on Mekong liquor so that his nationwide
distribution network can continue to supply the brand to the market over the
next three years. There is no regulation barring Charoen from doing so under the
present concession.
Then he'll launch a price war. The price of Mekong will be slashed so low
that it will be impossible for the newcomer, already burdened with an initial
huge investment, to compete. It will be a test of mettle. For the newcomer must
be ready to wage a price war for three years running during which Mekong from
Charoen's stock will come out to compete with the Mekong from the newcomer's
To be able to stock Mekong for three years, Charoen has estimated that he'll
need Bt18 billion. Since banks are reluctant to lend this sizeable amount, he
has to raise the money based on his own creditworthiness and assets through the
whisky bond.
Dr Olarn Chaipravat, the former president of the Siam Commercial Bank,
described the whisky bond as an ''alternative financing'' to bank loans at a
time of banking distress. In this money-raising exercise, Charoen, through LSPV,
has his liquor stock worth Bt30 billion securitised as the Bt18 billion whisky
bond. The bond, issued in different tranches, carries an interest rate of about
10.5-11 per cent. LSPV recently raised the second tranche worth Bt6 billion.
Investors have snapped up the bonds, offered through private placement,
because it offers a high investment return. Unlike other securitisations, backed
by immovable assets such as land or property, the whisky bond looks more
practical. In case of a default, the bondholders can quickly sell off the liquor
in stock for quick cash.
The newcomer might have to think twice before bidding for Mekong. If he bows
out, Charoen will make a convenient comeback to continue to dominate the liquor
mass market.
By the way, Charoen is not complacent. He realises that Mekong is a
government-owned brand. He'll be better off in the long run if he is to develop
his own brand -- hence the resurrection of Saeng Som.
Since Charoen already has a licence to produce Saeng Som for life, he is
starting to invest heavily in this brand with the aim of turning it into a
popular brand one day. Investment at about Bt4 billion has been planned for four
Saeng Som factories, which will be strategically located in four main parts of
In the local market, Charoen is impossible to beat. But in the back of his
mind, he is starting to get worried about the invasion of cheap imported whisky
-- the likes of Royal Sprey, Blue Eagle or Hunter. The market shares of these
brands have been rising dramatically.
The foreign brands, aged three years, is sold at around Bt200 a bottle,
compared to Bt146 a bottle for Mekong. For Thais, moving away from Mekong to
embrace one of the classy Scottish brands by paying Bt60 a bottle more looks
This is the battle that will occupy Charoen's energy and focus over the
coming years. In his case, eliminating the enemies from the inside is not good
enough. The enemies from the outside look more predatory.