WEAKENING the exchange rate or cutting the interest rate without taking into account
the macro-economic framework will only prolong the pain in the Thai economy without
actually curing it, the general manager of Dresdner Bank said on Wednesday.
Speaking at The Nation Forum on the way out for the Thai economy, Vichai Punphocha
argued that local businessmen, merchants and industrialists were daydreaming that a weaker
baht or cheaper interest rate would revitalise their operations when most of them were in
fact no longer viable.
Thailand, he said, is suffering from a fundamental problem of overcapacity in all of
its heavy industries and other businesses, exactly the same disease as its neighbours in
Southeast Asia and East Asia. ''We have an overcapacity in cement, steel and
petrochemicals, and so do Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia,'' he said. ''Each
country would like to become the motive centre of the region, but not all of them can.
Only one can, and the rest have to go under. Without proper coordination among the Asean
countries, they have rushed into overinvestment and infrastructure building to sustain the
investment that will never come. Most of the investment has turned sour.''
Vichai added: '''Businessmen have been calling for increased liquidity to prop up their
operations, but liquidity is not a problem here. Liquidity is simply a symptom of the
larger problem of overcapacity, of the financial crisis and of an economy that has not yet
undergone restructuring. Capital is scarce, and it needs to be channelled into the viable
businesses, otherwise the money will be wasted on prolonging the businesses or industries
that should not be around in the first place.''
Overcapacity cannot be cured by entering into another round of competitive devaluations
or by drastically cutting interest rates at a time when the foremost objective of the
country is to safeguard macro-economic stability, he said: without macro-economic
stability there is no chance of a recovery. Since the baht float, Thai businesses have
been subject to a world-standard discipline with which they must cope otherwise they will
not survive.
Germany, he noted, completes a business cycle every eight years. At the end of each
cycle there is painful business restructuring or mergers and acquisitions among companies
and financial institutions. In 1995 some 29,000 German companies, with sales of at least
Dm50 million, went bankrupt.
In Thailand, the business cycle which started off in 1987 on a grand scale should have
lost steam in 1994 when the stock market started its downward trend, he said, but the
currency-peg system, which fuelled short-term capital inflow, and the build-up of offshore
loans from the Bangkok International Banking Facility obscured this restructuring need.
When financial and economic restructuring was delayed until the export machine collapsed
in 1996 it was too late: Thailand and the fast-growing economies of the region suffer from
structural flaws in their economies far deeper than anybody could have imagined.
Vichai suggested that rather than blame the IMF or the government, businesses should go
beyond the denial stage to confront their overcapacity or management problem directly, if
painfully, through wholesale restructuring. If they want to survive, they need to devise a
completely new game plan.
A financial and banking restructuring is more visible than corporate restructuring
because the financial sector is supervised by the cardinal rules of the Bank of Thailand.
Already 56 finance companies have been closed; more are about to be restructured. Four
banks have been nationalised in a dramatic wipe-out; more are about to face a similar
fate. Although the process of corporate restructuring, particularly among the big ones
which have saddled themselves with unhedged foreign debts, is slow to start, the day of
reckoning is nigh.
Thailand, he told the forum, is going through a painful transition period during which
a radical restructuring of the economy is taking place. The process is inevitable and
unstoppable. The financial and economic reform package prescribed by the IMF has pushed
Thailand into a new economic paradigm under which Thailand will emerge over the next two
to three years with a virtually new financial and economic landscape.
It will, he predicted, be a U-shaped recovery, not the V-shaped recovery Finance
Minister Tarrin Nimmanahaeminda and the IMF have hoped for. By that time Thailand will not
be manufacturing what it is now manufacturing or doing the business it is now doing.
''Nobody knows what it is going to be, but it is certain that Thailand's face will never
be the same,'' Vichai says.
He cautioned that it was not easy politically for the Chuan government to sell the
economic restructuring message, which was highly unpopular among proprietors, shareholders
and workers. In the first half of this year corporate bankruptcies have already hit 5,000
companies, with unemployment expected to reach two million this year and the economy to
contract by at least 6 per cent. In a country that hardly has any social safety net,
unemployment is the most frightening thing that can happen to a working Thai.
It was the plight of the less fortunate in Thai society that Dr Phasuk Phongpaijit of
Chulalongkorn University's Economics Department castigated Tarrin and the Chuan government
for neglecting. The IMF, she argued, has failed on most fronts in its attempt to restore
the health of the economies it has stepped in to assist. The IMF, she added, is more
interested in looking after the interests of the creditors, not of the working people or
the rural people who had nothing to do with the economic crisis in the first place. In
Latin America the IMF's record, she said, was quite horrible.
But Dr Pisit Lee-artham, the deputy finance minister, said the blame should be on the
Latin American or the African economies themselves that had sought reform packages from
the IMF. ''Most of them backtracked on the IMF programme because after a while they felt
that the medicine they were taking was too bitter. This resulted in a loss of confidence
and dampened the economic recovery,'' he said, calculating that Latin America had lost a
decade in the 1980s through debt crisis.
Pisit said the lesson that Thailand had learnt was that it lacked transparency in its
system, so that when the crisis occurred nobody knew what was happening or the scale of
the problem. ''When the IMF warned us about our exchange rate and of the need to improve
our transparency aqwnd tighten the supervision of the financial system, we did not pay
enough attention. When the crisis hit us, it spread to the entire region.''