IMF urges Fed to up interest rates again
July 31, 2000
MOST directors of the International Monetary Fund's executive board have
urged the US Federal Reserve to raise short-term interest rates again to hold
inflation in check.
Last Friday, the IMF concluded its review of the US economy, finishing off
with an unequivocal message that another interest-rate rise could be justified
to keep inflation under control.
The recommendation came against a backdrop of unprecedented US economic
expansion, which is nearing its 10th consecutive year. Real GDP grew by 4.25 per
cent in the first half of last year, expanding to 6.5 per cent in the second
half of the year before slowing slightly in the first quarter of this year to
5.5 per cent, according to the IMF.
The spectacular growth has fuelled consumption and investment, raising
concerns over price and wage pressures. Although core inflation has been largely
subdued due to gains in labour productivity and weakness in non-oil import
prices, the core consumer-price index increased by 2 per cent last year and
early this year. After rising sharply in March, core inflation settled back down
to 2 per cent during the second quarter of this year.
But the IMF's executive board noted that a further rate rise to stem
inflationary pressure "will depend on how the economy responds in the
period immediately ahead to the restraining effects of monetary policy actions
already in the pipeline, and if any additional indications of wage and price
pressures emerge".
Alan Greenspan, the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, will chair a
crucial meeting on August 22 to determine whether any further action is needed
to tighten monetary policy. The Fed has raised short-term rates six times since
June last year to the present level of 6.5 per cent, hoping to engineer a
soft-landing for the overcharged US economy.
At this juncture, the US is facing a dilemma of keeping the economy expanding
on the back of subdued price pressures. But the IMF's directors noted that it is
now generally recognised that domestic demand growth is growing in excess of
productivity increases in potential output and that this process is not
sustainable and needs to be slowed.
"While monetary policy tightening in the US has inevitable potentially
adverse spillover effects on the rest of the world, the impact would be even
more detrimental if US authorities delay policy action and subsequently tighten
monetary policy more sharply once inflation pressures strengthen," the
IMF's directors said.
With this IMF assessment, emerging markets, including Thailand, may have to
prepare to face another round of volatility. Already, the Thai stock market,
which has been moving along with regional trends, has lost more than a third of
its value since the beginning of the year, closing at 291.6 on Friday. The baht,
which has also moved along with the same regional forces, has fallen to a
10-month low, plunging to 41.3 at one trading session last week.