July 31, 1999 -- UNLIKE finance companies, Thai commercial banks have yet to
run down their assets to clean up their balance sheets, although bad loans have
continued to weigh down their books over the past two years of financial crisis.
The statistics, as compiled by Financial Sector Restructuring Authority (FRA)
chairman Amaret Sila-on, say it all.
Between December 1996 and June 1999, the number of finance companies shrank
from 91 to 24. Of these, 56 were permanently shut down and their assets of more
than Bt800 billion auctioned off by the FRA, 13 finance and securities companies
have been merged, and just one -- Ratanatun Finance Co Ltd, which is a
subsidiary of Radanasin Bank -- was created.
As a result of the collapse in the finance sector, the combined assets of the
finance companies sank by more than a third, from Bt1.76 trillion in December
1996 to Bt502.74 billion as of December 1998.
The situation in the banking sector is quite different. In the corresponding
period, the number of banks fell only slightly from 15 to 13. Only the Bangkok
Bank of Commerce was closed down permanently, while two were merged, four were
subject to intervention, and one -- Radanasin Bank -- was created anew.
Interestingly, the assets of the banking sector actually increased between
December 1996 and March 1999, from Bt5.07 trillion to Bt5.67 trillion. This
implies that banks, in spite of the 47 per cent non-performing loans (NPLs) in
their lending portfolios, are still holding bad loans close to their chest.
''What these figures tell you is that the banking sector has yet to undergo a
restructuring,'' said Amaret.
In the case of the finance company sector, the Financial Institution
Development Fund, the lender of last resort, is in the process of issuing Bt500
billion to cover the black hole created by the collapse of the 56 finance
The damage in the banking sector, which is running about Bt2.7 trillion in
NPLs in its books, has yet to be accounted for, at least systematically.
''If you take the words of Khun Banthoon [Lamsam, president of Thai Farmers
Bank], we can roughly estimate that a third of our NPLs, presuming that they
reach Bt3 trillion, are irrecoverable. This already amounts to Bt1 trillion. And
who's going to pay for this mess, if not the public's money,'' said a banking
executive working for a US bank in Bangkok.
Amaret said that banks had been making very little effort over the past year
or so to deal with NPLs through debt restructuring. ''The debt restructuring we
have heard about so far is not really restructuring. In fact, they are simply
debt rescheduling. And the problems will come back three or six months from
now,'' he added.
Instead of undertaking debt restructuring, which will help reduce the
pressure on their already weak capital base, Thai banks have elected to embark
on a recapitalisation course. But the question is: to what extent can they
continue to recapitalise and reschedule their NPLs when almost all of the banks
are operating with a negative margin?
The negative margin can be explained by the fact that banks now have higher
expenses than income, due to the abnormally high level of bad loans in their
In addition, banks are hoarding new savings at an annual rate of about 10 per
cent because people do not know where else to put their money. At the same time,
lending is falling by 4 per cent.
This mismatch in savings and lending on the back of the high NPL level cannot
continue forever.
Amaret emphasised that the key issue for the banks was to accomplish debt
restructuring. But this painful process, which will require banks to liquidate
bad loans or take a hit or a haircut for the restructured loans, calls for a
direct addressing of the problem of banking distress in general.
The banks so far have been reluctant to restructure the loans because doing
so will directly eat up their capital. So they have decided to shift the problem
into the future by rescheduling the debts.
''The banks know that they are in deep water, but they somehow hope that a
miracle will happen,'' said an investment analyst at a top securities company.
Despite interest rates falling to historic low levels and ample liquidity,
the system is still suffering from a credit crunch. Amaret said this was
happening because the banks do not lend out their money for fear of adding more
bad loans, hence denying capital to even good companies.
Although the government has enlarged its fiscal expansionary programme to
help boost aggregate demand, the fundamental problem in recovering the fragile
economy lies in unlocking the bad debts in the system so that companies can
borrow to do business.