BAHT CRASH: Thailand dragged its heels
August 20, 2001
Thanong Khanthong recounts the lesser-known
second failure of the Chavalit administration in failing to get help from
Asian friends so that Thailand would not have to taste the IMF's bitter
After letting the baht nosedive in July 1997, prime minister Chavalit
Yongchaiyudh was reluctant to turn to the International Monetary Fund
for financial support, even though the country's foreign-exchange reserves
were largely depleted from capital outflows and the baht defence.
Instead, Chavalit ordered senior officials to head for China and Japan
to try to secure a rescue package ,because he knew that the United States
and the IMF did not hold him in high regard. Thailand by then was suffering
from a severe balance of payments crisis.
Nibhat Bhukkanasut, the director of the Finance Ministry's treasury department,
and General Mongkol Amphornphisit, the supreme commander, were to go to
the People's Republic of China together to try to arrange a loan of US$10
billion (Bt448 billion) to $15 billion to replenish the central bank's
foreign-exchange coffers.
Finance minister Thanong Bidaya and Bank of Thailand governor Rerngchai
Marakanond were to head further east to Tokyo on a similar mission to
save the sagging baht after the float.
Chavalit was close to the leadership in China. The powerful Communist
politburo agreed to help Thailand out, but the Bank of China under governor
Zhu Rongji, now prime minister, objected.
Lending out its foreign-exchange reserves to Thailand could have created
a big problem later on if Thailand were to fail to repay the debt.
It could also have jeopardised Zhu's career. Zhu was smart enough not
to risk his political future.
The Chinese leaders ended up telling their Thai guests that they would
be willing to participate in lending to help Thailand, but only after
Thailand had won IMF support.
The Americans did not like Chavalit, who lacked leadership credibility.
Timothy Geithner, the assistant US treasury secretary, believed that Thailand
had been facing a crisis of confidence rather than a financial crisis.
"There was a huge amount of capital in the world ready to flow back
to Thailand, but this would not happen because the country was facing
a lack of political credibility. Without credibility, any bail-out would
be just a waste," he was heard saying.
Geithner even urged Thailand to liberalise further its financial industry
to attract foreign capital and presumably to facilitate the entry of American
financial institutions.
It was Japan that played the most important role in helping Thailand
out during this crisis period. The second biggest economy was afraid that
its direct investment in Thailand would go down the tube if Thailand were
to go bankrupt. The damage would spill over to other Southeast Asian countries,
where some of Japan's biggest manufacturing bases outside its borders
were located.
Eisuke "Mr Yen" Sakakibara, who was Japan's vice finance minister,
was aware that Thailand was in deep trouble, but he did not know exactly
how much. The situation remained murky as nobody outside the Bank of Thailand
was privy to its net foreign-exchange-reserve position after taking into
account its foreign-exchange swap contracts.
Thanong and Rerngchai tried to use their Japanese connections to secure
a loan for Thailand, but without knowing the extent of the problem, Sakakibara
and other Japanese leaders were cautious about making a full commitment.
Yet it was in Japan's best interest to come to Thailand's rescue. Of
Thailand's $90 billion in external debt, $73 billion was in private borrowings,
more than half of which was from Japanese banks.
Thanong met Japanese businessmen, members of the powerful Keidanren and
officials from the Finance Ministry. After describing the fragility of
the Thai economy, Thanong tried to get answers to two questions. First,
would Japan stand by Thailand? Second, if not, what should Thailand do
In a speech to the Japanese Bankers' Association, Thanong denied news
reports from back home that he was heading to Japan to seek $10 billion
to $20 billion in bail-out money. At that time the soundness of the Thai
financial system was in grave doubt, and the managed float system was
surrounded with uncertainty.
"Many scenarios of doom and gloom have been raised even to the point
that Thailand is on the verge of collapse and needs to raise funds of
$10 billion to $20 billion for purposes unknown," he said. "There
is no truth to these rumours. The Thai economy remains fundamentally sound,"
he asserted.
He tried to explain to his Japanese hosts about the mismatching of funds.
Thai corporations had borrowed short-term funds to spend on long-term
projects. He asked Japanese bankers to continue to support Thailand by
rolling over their loans.
Thanong got positive answers from his Japanese hosts. Japan would stick
with its friend through good times and bad. He was nonetheless grilled
by officers from Tokyo-Mitsubishi Bank. They were disappointed with the
Thai crisis, which was looming larger.
But Thanong understood the Japanese way perfectly. Just be polite to
them and they would return his politeness.
The Japanese, who were unsure about Thailand's net foreign-exchange-reserve
status, told him that Japan had been in Thailand since the pre-war days
and that they had gone through this kind of difficult phase before.
Eventually, the message from the Japanese officials, including the bankers,
was clear: Thailand could not rely on Japan alone; it needed the support
of the international community.
It was the top officials at the Japanese finance ministry who told Thanong
that Thailand should seek support from the IMF. That was the end of it.
No further discussions were held.
Thanong talked mostly to Sakakibara. Later on Sakakibara would tell Thanong
and Rerngchai that their "country is bankrupt" after he learned
that Thailand had lost its reserves.
Nibhat flew to Tokyo to join the Thai delegation. When he heard from
Rerngchai about Sakakibara's comment that Thailand was bankrupt, he broke
down in tears.
In the meantime, Sakakibara was frustrated by the absence of a global
lender of last resort for countries facing a balance-of-payments crisis.
Although they had the capacity to be such a lender, the US, the European
Union, the IMF, the World Bank and the G-7 countries stood idly by while
the Thai crisis spawned a contagion effect. The developed countries believed
that the crises in Thailand and Asia were not necessary global phenomena
that would impact them.
Rerngchai was still suffering under an illusion. He believed that Thailand
could manage to raise money from a mixture of public and private borrowing.
He got a signal that Brunei should be ready to hand out $2 billion to
JP Morgan, the US bank, was also scrambling to put together a syndicated
loan in the massive amount of $10 billion, which would be divided into
two tranches of $5 billion each.
If all went well, Thailand would not have to enter the tough IMF reform
programme. But in the end it did not work out as planned. All the efforts
to raise money for Thailand were stymied.
The answer was always the same: "You'd better enter the IMF programme,
and then we will help you." The Thai delegation came home empty-handed.
Thai officials believed that Thailand was a victim of geopolitics. The
US, through the IMF, blocked Thailand from getting regional support. Everything
had to go through the IMF, where the US had a big say and could closely
oversee the programme.
Among Bank of Thailand officials, there had been discussions on whether
Thailand should apply to the IMF support programme in order to shore up
its reserves. Central-bank deputy governor Chaiyawat Wibulsasdi initially
objected. He had worked with the IMF and knew how tough its programme
was. It would amount to the surrendering of the country's sovereignty
and dignity.
Only after Rerngchai was ousted from office did Chaiyawat begin to see
the true picture. Thailand desperately needed money because when the baht
was let go in July, the central bank had only $2.8 billion left in net
foreign-exchange reserves. Its foreign-exchange swap contracts had reached
$23.4 billion. The more than $30 billion in reserves was only a nominal
figure that did not take into account the outflow of $23.4 billion over
the following 12 months.
Naturally, Chaiyawat did not want to be tied to the IMF programme, because
he thought he could do better. In fact, the IMF programme was not much
different from what the central bank would be proposing to the Chavalit
government anyway. It would compel fiscal and monetary tightening.
Chaiyawat said he could draft an IMF programme in three to four hours
off the top of his head.
After returning to Thailand, Thanong told Chavalit that the Japanese
creditors said they would stay by Thailand's side only if Thailand joined
the IMF. He then called the IMF right away and told them that Thailand
needed the standby credit to be put in place within two weeks.
On July 22 the Bank of Thailand agreed officially to apply for the IMF
support programme. Rerngchai was busy working on measures to meet the
tough IMF conditions. Chaiyawat would be responsible for negotiating with
the IMF.
For Chaiyawat, who used to represent Thailand at the IMF as an alternate
director, it was a painful personal experience to have to lead the country
into the IMF's rescue regime.