GLOBAL GLOOM: Attacks threaten growth
September 13, 2001
The Thai economy stands at risk of slipping into a decline
this year, following terrorist attacks in the United States that crumbled
the World Trade Centre's twin towers, badly damaged the Pentagon and now
threaten to send the global economy spinning into recession.
Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday emerged from a hastily arranged
meeting with security and economic ministers to assure the nation that
the effects of the US turmoil would be limited, because his government
was gearing the country towards self-reliance.
"We would have been hit harder if we had relied more on exports,"
he said.
Finance Minister Somkid Jatusripitak declined to speculate about the
possibility of a weaker domestic economy resulting from global fiscal
The Bank of Thailand's (BOT) latest forecast, made before the terrorist
attacks, put economic growth this year at 1.5 to 2 per cent.
BOT governor MR Pridiyathorn Devakula, at the time of the latest forecast,
said he thought a growth rate of 1.8 per cent was achievable, by his "conservative"
The forecast was based on projected export growth this year of minus
5 per cent in US dollar terms, but a 10-per-cent increase in baht terms
over last year.
The rationale for this was the baht's exchange rate to the US dollar:
last year the baht averaged 38 to 40 against the dollar, compared with
44 this year. A weaker exchange rate means exporters draw more baht revenue
into the economy.
Even if exports were to contract by 10 to 15 per cent in this year's
second half (a worst-case scenario), central bank officials still believe
positive growth is achievable because of the positive affects of a weaker
baht and accelerated government spending. In this year's first quarter,
state enterprises held back investment plans, awaiting a change of government.
This resulted in a sharp decrease in spending - a contraction of 42 per
cent compared with the same period last year. Investment spending was
expected to accelerate significantly in the third and fourth quarters
of this year. But now that the US economy might be heading toward recession,
because of the fallout from Tuesday's attacks, all the key Thai economic
indicators must be revised. A recession in the US means demand for Thai
goods, or goods exported from Asia, will fall further, dragging on economic
growth in Thailand, Asia and the rest of the world. Commerce Ministry
officials had earlier estimated that Thai exports to the US would either
be flat or contract by as much as 7 per cent this year.
Those figures must now be revised in the face of a significantly more
bleak outlook for the world's largest economy.
Thanong Khanthong and
Jiwamol Kanoksilp