Little contrast in debt plans
October 4, 2000
THE Democrat Party's plan to selectively purchase bad loans in the banking
system would cost taxpayers Bt302 billion, while the Thai Rak Thai Party's plan
for a full-scale buyout would cost Bt485 billion, according to a study by SG
Securities Research.
Both parties have begun to campaign for the establishment of a national
asset-management company to handle the huge amount of non-performing loans in
the banking system.
The Democrats, particularly Finance Minister Tarrin Nimmanahaeminda, have
been reluctant to use public money to buy the bad loans, but have begun to
soften their stance.
The amount of non-performing loans in the banking system is falling slowly,
and stands now at about Bt1.5 trillion, or 31.24 per cent of total lending.
However, after Krung Thai Bank transfers Bt524 billion in bad loans into an
asset-management company financed by the Financial Institutions Development
Fund, the bad debt in the system will fall to 21 per cent of total lending.
Deputy Prime Minister Supachai Panitchpakdi has indicated that the Democrats
would use a national asset-management company as a supplementary measure if the
party were returned to power after the general election.
The Thai Rak Thai has said it would be more aggressive, proposing a wholesale
buyout of bad loans to rid the system of the problem once and for all, and to
allow the economy to move forward again.
SG Securities Research released a report on Sunday that said the two parties'
approaches are not significantly different. Either plan would quickly reduce bad
loans in the banking system and provide a much-needed boost to the economy, the
report said.
Under the Democrats' plan, a national asset-management company would buy bad
loans from the asset-management companies formed by individual banks. Based on
the purchase of bad loans at par value, the total amount held by private
asset-management companies should stand at Bt755 billion as of the end of this
year, after banks' provisional write-offs.
The national asset-management company would purchase the bad loans by issuing
government bonds to the banks. Any losses would be incurred by the government.
Based on the assumption that the government would shoulder losses of about 40
per cent, the SG Securities Research report estimated that the Democrats' plan
would cost the public Bt302 billion - or about 6 per cent of the gross domestic
The report estimated that the Thai Rak Thai plan to buy the entire amount of
bad loans in the system at par value - about Bt1.21 trillion as of end of this
year - would cost Bt485 billion, also based on losses of 40 per cent. This would
amount to 7 to 10 per cent of the gross domestic product.
The report said the Democrats' plan would be more appropriate and easier to
implement, given that the government could simply buy the bad loans from the
private asset-management companies. This would also relieve the burden on
commercial banks, which could focus on lending money to cash-starved
corporations once again.
However, some have argued against forming a national asset-management
company, fearing that it would further burden the government and create moral
hazards for both debtors and creditors.
At the World Bank-IMF meeting in Prague last week, Deputy Prime Minister
Pisit Lee-ahtam said the government would not use public money to purchase bad
Noted economist Dr Ammar Siamwalla also argued against a national
asset-management company in an article published yesterday in The Nation. Ammar
said the NPLs need to be reduced at the macro level, but corporations in the
non-financial sector would suffer in their financial and business restructuring.
If a national asset-management company cleaned up the bad loans, banks would
not necessarily begin lending money again immediately because of the corporate
sector's high level of indebtedness, Ammar said.