Stability a key for next govt
October 28, 2000
THE next government will come under increasing pressure to manage both
stability and growth, because the country's macroeconomic conditions have
deteriorated under the weight of higher oil prices and a weaker currency.
"There won't be a new easy way out for the next government, because the
country is facing an economic slow-down," said a report by the Thai Farmers
Research Centre.
"The Thai economy is also faced with upward pressure of prices which are
"This has created more complications in macroeconomic management,"
the report said.
Satit Wanasilapin, a manager at Capital Nomura Securities, agreed that a
growing number of economists and academics had started to call for the
government to become more cautious about stability problems which could affect
the economy.
"The government is pursuing a strategy aimed at achieving economic
growth rather than maintaining stability," he said.
"You can see that interest rates have been kept low to stimulate demand,
investment and private consumption.
"But in turn this policy has produced capital outflow and a weakening of
the baht, which might affect inflation," he said.
The latest Bank of Thailand report suggests that economic growth this year is
on target at 4.5 to 5 per cent, but it admits that growth could be slowing
because of higher oil prices.
By continuing to maintain a low-interest-rate policy, the central bank has
signalled to the financial markets that it is willing to sacrifice the baht in
favour of economic recovery.
The Thai currency this week broke the barrier of Bt43 to the US dollar for
the first time since June 1998, dragged down partly by the Philippine peso's
crisis. Several Thai officials have hinted that an exchange rate of Bt44 to the
dollar is acceptable, but that if the baht breaches 44 to the greenback, it will
create inflationary pressure. A group of US fund-managers visiting Bangkok two
weeks ago expressed their concern about the baht's outlook, questioning the
ability - and the resources - of the Thai authorities to defend the baht if it
continued to plummet.
They suggested the authorities begin to consider managing stability, via both
fiscal and monetary policies, to prevent macroeconomic imbalances getting out of
control. "I think you might need to negotiate with the International
Monetary Fund about the possibility of delaying loan repayments," said one
US hedge-fund manager. "Otherwise I don't see you are going to handle
[capital outflow]." The US fund-manager's suggestion was in line with a
proposal by Dr Virabongsa Ramangkura, the Thai macroeconomist.
Virabongsa recently urged the authorities to become more cautious about
managing stability, saying Thailand could not keep its real interest rates lower
than those of the US for long without inducing a capital outflow.
Already the baht has been subject to speculation, both inside the country and
on offshore markets.
On offshore markets, speculators have been borrowing low-interest baht to buy
higher-interest dollars in the hope that when they sell the dollar they will get
more baht to settle their positions.
"I was very concerned when I read a report about baht speculation in the
offshore markets," Virabongsa said.
"This is a bad sign of trouble ahead," he said.
Were inflation to pick up because of the weaker exchange rates, the
authorities would be forced to increase interest rates, which would disrupt the
momentum of the economic recovery. The interest rates have been kept low to
support debt-restructuring and help the banks enjoy a wide spread and rebuild
their capital. The Thai Farmers Research Centre has outlined the Thai
macroeconomic conditions, pointing out that exports and private consumption
remain the driving force of the economy.
But the pressure on inflation is caused by the supply-side, which is the
result of higher oil prices.
Inflation is not driven by the demand-side or by domestic consumption.
The dilemma facing the Thai economy is the slowdown of the economy in the
third and fourth quarter.
This slowdown might continue until next year.
The trade surplus might also narrow, and couple with capital outflows, a
weaker baht, and the continuing weakness of the financial system.
As for external factors, Thailand will continue to face a rough road ahead.
Higher oil prices might continue until next year.
The US economy is also experiencing a slowdown.
If the US rates go up, it will cause further shocks to global markets and
affect the Thai baht.
The peso and Indonesian rupiah crises have also dragged down the Thai
currency, because investors have grouped the three currencies together.