TRT finally accepts economic reality
November 2, 2001
After eight months of trial and error, Deputy Prime Minister
and Finance Minister Dr Somkid Jatusripitak has made a turnabout in his
economic policy. Now he wants foreign money.
On Wednesday, he appointed Tawee Butsuntorn, the chairman of the Federation
of Thai Industries, to head a joint public and private sector panel to
study the possibility of attracting foreign investment from the US and
Japan. Somkid believes that Thailand, due to its political, social and
economic stability, is now the second most attractive country in the region
to invest in, after China.
Until now foreign investment has never featured prominently on the agenda
of the Thaksin government, which took power in February after an inwardlooking
campaign. On the campaign trail, the Thai Rak Thai Party accused the previous
Democratled government of selling the country cheap to foreigners. It
also charged that the liberalisation measures of the Chuan government
would lead to foreigners taking control of local businesses.
In a way, the TRT policy – Somkid being one of its architects – represents
the antithesis of the Chuan government.
The previous administration was probusiness, proforeign investment, promarket
and pro-liberalisation. After Thai Rak Thai came to power, it tried to
undo the legacy of the Chuan government by setting forth to recreate through
government activism a new social policy at the grassroots level.
TRT believed that after the 1997 crisis, foreign investment would not
come back to Thailand or the region again. So why did it have to bother
with foreigners?
Its political campaign struck a chord among Thai voters, who were wearied
by the reform process which did not benefit them directly or immediately.
As a result, a reform agenda is absent in the Thaksin government. The
key problems of the financial sector and corporate debt restructuring
have not been taken up. Except for the Thai Asset Management Corporation,
which is moving at snail’s pace, there are virtually no other efforts
to address financial and corporate sector problems seriously enough.
Most Thai companies are still saddled with a high level of indebtedness,
so they are not in a position to expand their businesses to keep the economy
The banks are still plagued by a high level of problem loans and inadequate
capital. Fitch IBCA, an international credit rating agency, has estimated
that some Bt150 billion in additional government money might be needed
to shore up the Thai banking system.
Now all of these problems that have been postponed in the past are returning
to haunt the country again.
Somkid has been working hard to remake social policy through massive
government spending. He also aims to recreate an entrepreneurial class
to run small and mediumscale enterprises through government financial
and technical assistance. He believes that once the rural economy, made
up of some 3040 million Thais, is stimulat?ed, it will lead to a systemwide
economic recovery.
Yet this will never come to pass because the corporate sector still accounts
for 90 per cent of the tax system.
The foundation of the SMEs and the rural economy cannot be created overnight,
or quickly enough to supplant the corporate sector which is linked closely,
as two sides of the same coin, with the financial sector. Somkid might
have begun to realise that the government cannot keep on spending money
to stimulate the economy since its debt is running close to 60 per cent
of gross domestic product.
He cannot rely on exports either next year to boost the economy due to
the global economic downturn.
Sooner or later, private investment – particularly foreign investment
– should return to give the economy a new momentum of growth. Yet private
investment won’t recover with a weak economy, a fragile banking system
and a high level of corporate indebtedness. It is perhaps due to this
underlying trend that Somkid has started to readjust his economic policy
toward embracing foreign investment.
Foreign direct investment in Thailand averages about US$3 billion to
US$5 billion (Bt132Bt220 billion) a year, compared to US$60 billion for
But foreign investment, if a level playing field is created, acts as
a catalyst in developing the Thai economy and helping it to improve its
efficiency and competitiveness in the long run.
This is the challenge facing Somkid and the Thaksin government in the
next phase as it begins to shift away from a campaign mode to embrace
economic reality. Foreign investment will be crucial to the Thai recovery,
given the weakness in the banking and corporate sector and the capital
market. Domestic savings, locked up in the banking system crisis, cannot
be channelled into the real sector.
To get economic growth back to 45 per cent, Somkid will need foreigners
to come to the rescue. He may do so by creating an environment or a regime
conducive to foreign investment. Otherwise the Thai government will have
to be content with a growth rate of 12 per cent. And a growth rate of
12 per cent for 2002 and 2003 would spell disaster for Thailand.
Thanong Khanthong