Nationalism: Yes Xenophobia: No
December 15, 2000
A wave of nationalist sentiment is becoming increasingly evident as the
general election nears. This can be traced to a state of confusion and fear
among the once open-minded Thai people. Many are expressing concern over job
security and the difficulty of making a living. The residue from the economic
crisis has not yet been cleaned up three years after the 1997 collapse of the
These tough times have sparked the emergence of a combination of xenophobia
and nationalism in various symbolic forms. The Thai psyche is embedded with a
running fear of foreign domination, fear of the country losing its independence,
fear of owners losing their businesses to foreigners, and fear of selling off
local banking institutions. The political atmosphere has as a result become
Thaksin Shinawatra went for the name Thai Rak Thai (Thai Loves Thai) when he
formed his party two years ago, billing it as a new force in politics to reclaim
Thai dignity. Bhichit Rattakul, the former governor of Bangkok, has set up the
Thai Motherland Party as a green party which cares for the local environment.
Banharn Silapa-archa, meanwhile, has taken his Chat Thai Party - formed by the
ruling elite of Soi Rachakrue - back to its roots in rural areas. Moreover, some
senators have promised to amend the bankruptcy and foreclosure laws to provide
more protection to Thai debtors, and to prevent foreign creditors from taking
over the country.
Along the highway which links Bangkok with the heartland of the Northeast,
several huge billboards proudly present Prachuab Chaiyasarn, the leader of the
Seritham Party, as the next Isaan prime minister. His message is unambiguous: If
Isaan hopes to achieve lasting prosperity, it can only pin its hopes on Prachuab,
"the genuine son of Isaan".
Korn Dabaransi, the leader of the Chat Pattana, has always been a darling of
big business. This time around he cannot afford to miss the nationalist
bandwagon. In a big campaign poster on the Rama III Road, his expensively-suited
figure towers over motorists on the expressway. His message: "The
government must help out Thai business."
This leaves the Democrats in defensive mode, for the party has been accused
of selling off Thailand to foreign interests - first to the IMF, and then to
foreign banks and big multinational corporations.
Most politicians are shamelessly capitalising on nationalism, asking to what
extent Thailand should liberalise its economy and protect its industries,
without losing its integrity - and how the country can strike a balance between
globalisation, IT revolution and financial-market turbulence.
Here we may look to His Majesty the King for guidance. In a 1997 speech, the
King indicated that if only Thailand could practise the economics of
self-sufficiency with a balance of trade, goods, consumption, production and
sale, it can survive. On self-sufficiency, Thailand "does not have to be a
hundred per cent, or even fifty per cent, but perhaps only twenty-five per cent
- it will be bearable", His Majesty said.
With this guidance, nationalist sentiment in the present political atmosphere
only has to come down to earth in a more rational and practical way.
BY Thanong khanthong