Show must go on, for Thaksin and country
December 29, 2000
THAKSIN Shinawatra is facing a dilemma that perhaps only Al Gore could truly
appreciate. He faces a tough situation, with the most powerful job in the nation
at stake.
Should Thaksin end his bid for the premiership? Or should he pursue all legal
options, including his defence in the Constitution Court, to stay in this costly
race? The National Counter Corruption Commission dealt his political ambitions a
severe blow, ruling that he deliberately concealed his assets and engaged in
dubious financial transactions.
For now, Thaksin has made it clear that he would like the people to decide
his political fate. "Let the people make their judgement in the general
election," he declared. By resorting to the public-mandate card, Thaksin
hopes that the popular votes will speak for themselves, if they go for the Thai
Rak Thai.
Vice President Gore made an unfortunate political move when he called George
W Bush, the Texas governor, in the early morning of November 8 to concede the
election. He soon retracted his concession after the Florida result became too
close to call. Then he pursued a series of court actions to force a manual
recount in Florida.
Gore weighed public opinion carefully in his legal battle for the 25
electoral votes in Florida, which would determine the outcome of the
presidential race. Many pundits pointed to Gore's overall lead in the national
popular vote - by more than 300,000 votes - as a source of Gore's legitimacy in
contesting the Florida result. Eventually, the US Supreme Court intervened at
Bush's request, ordered a halt to the manual recount and effectively handed the
presidency to Bush. With the Supreme Court's ruling, Gore was forced to face a
harsh political reality. His second concession soon followed.
Thaksin risks breaking his two-year-old party apart if he makes his
concession now, before the Constitution Court's final verdict. As in the US
presidential election, the race for prime minister of Thailand could be
determined by the highest court in the land.
So what is this general election all about? Instead of focusing on policies
or issues affecting the country, the political landscape is dominated by the
nitty-gritty screening process to determine the qualifications of the
While this screening process is necessary, it has unfortunately clouded the
more relevant issues of jobs and opportunities for average citizens. Also absent
is a debate on political leadership, an issue that has been buried by an
indictment against Thaksin. Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai and Interior Minister
Banyat Bantadtan were subjected to similar investigations, but were spared the
NCCC's sword.
Earlier Suchon Chartsuntarawuth and Pattravut Pukvibul, both of the Chat
Pattana Party, and Boonmark Sirinawakul of the Democrat Party, had been
disqualified from the election, having been found by the Election Commission to
have broken electoral laws.
The public is left confused about the political process and undecided about
how to cast their votes, whether in constituency races or the party-list ballot.
The focus on personalities has hardly enlightened the voters about the
ramifications of the potential political change.
But, as they say, the show must go on, and go on it must as Thailand
struggles with its nascent democracy.