A ''tale of four leaders'' who took turns at the country's helm from the day the
economic bubble formed to the day it burst and until the current painful surgery, is put
under a magnifying glass during the on-going censure debate. Thanong Khanthong
Out of sheer self-mockery or rather self-pity, Gen Chavalit Yongchaiyudh painted
himself into a corner yesterday by lamenting that it could be the first time in Thai
history that a parliamentary debate turned into a no-confidence grilling of the opposition
In his opening debate that set into motion a two-day politics-as-usual sideshow,
Chavalit immediately faced a boomerang effect from his attempt to paint a grand picture
showing that the seeds of the economic disaster could be traced back to the 1992-1995
records of Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai and his economic czar, Finance Minister Tarrin
Chavalit, who appeared to be more coherent than in his standard oratorical
performances, thought that he had staged the best parliamentary performance of his
political career, with research back-up to substantiate his claim that the Chuan I
administration's financial and economic liberalisation, particularly the ill-conceived
offshore banking provisions under the guise of the BIBF, was the genesis of the economic
In return for all the blame, if not-quite unfair criticism of the economic
mismanagement of his 11-month administration, Chavalit also thought that his presentation
should serve enough justice by humiliating Chuan and simultaneously taking away Tarrin's
pride. After all, under this same Siamese sky, nobody should be better than anybody else.
But Chuan and Tarrin, in that hierarchical order, rose to defend their records and
responded to Chavalit in kind words that made the retired general and former prime
minister squirm in his seat. Always polite in appearance, Chuan let his razor tongue do
the killing.
In his reply to Chavalit's charges that Chuan's US trip was marred by
self-condemnation, without conceding that the liberalisation policies back in the first
half of the 1990s were the root of the problem, Chuan said: ''I would like to say that Gen
Chavalit's remark was not relevant to the truth. When I admitted (during my presentation
in New York) that we had problems, I meant that, as a country in Southeast Asia which had
enjoyed an economic miracle, we then suddenly faced a reversal of conditions and became a
country in crisis. From a country with a positive outlook, we became beset with ill
''I had to tell them about our weak points. We had to tell them the truth. If there was
nothing wrong with us, then why were we faced with the crisis. I told them that we had
liberalised our economic policies but that we had failed to put in place the measures to
instil discipline.''
It was this narrow ''blame-the-other-governments'' theme that marked the no confidence
debate, which also saw some heated exchanges between the Chat Pattana Party and the Social
Action Party on the sugar issue. No matter how the blame was passed about, it hit the four
past and present prime ministers, who all happened to be in the same honourable chamber.
Both Chatichai Choonhavan, the Chat Pattana leader, and Banharn Silapa-archa, the Chat
Thai leader, listened on while Chavalit and Chuan traded charges.
Banharn did not speak yesterday, but Chatichai stood up to protest against Social
Action Party leader Montree Pongpanit, who earlier defended the SAP's action for joining
the Chuan government as a decision to ''save the country from disaster''. Montree quipped:
''My decision might affect an old man like Lt Gen Chatichai, who aspired for the
premiership. But for the sake of the nation, I had to help.'' Chatichai being Chatichai,
he laughed at Montree's comment.
The emotional Chavalit, of course, would like to rewrite the history of his ill-fated
administration, during which time the government went broke with its Bt1.1 trillion
bail-out for the insolvent finance companies and banks, and the Bank of Thailand
squandering of US$39 billion in foreign exchange reserves in a defence of the baht that
eventually turned Thailand into an insolvent nation. He tried to argue that when he took
over, the infection had already set in.
Chuan said that if the central bank's foreign exchange reserves had not been depleted,
Thailand would not have had to seek a bail-out from the International Monetary Fund. It
was this fact alone that Chavalit found hard to swallow.
The Chuan I administration saw a build-up of capital inflow, the short-term ''hot''
money that laid the seeds of the crisis. But confidence was so strong that the foreign
creditors kept on lending Thailand the money that would later transform it into an
over-invested country. At that time, nobody believed that Thailand could be the next
Chavalit inherited the damaged economy from Banharn, who did plenty to accelerate the
disaster. In the total absence of macroeconomic prudence, Banharn adopted an expansionary
budget policy at a time when Thailand was facing growing pressure from the current account
deficit and falling export revenues to pay for the foreign debts. He ignored stability to
achieve an economic growth rate of 8 per cent, at the expense of a current account deficit
of 8 per cent of the gross domestic product.
The Bangkok Bank of Commerce scandal broke out and dealt a further blow to confidence
in Thailand's ability to put its financial house in order. When exports plunged to a zero
growth rate in 1997, foreign investors had little confidence left in the Thai economy,
sparking off a baht attack and an outflow of capital to put pressure on the currency and
the domestic liquidity supply.
Banharn was lucky to have left office, through a coalition coup, before he could
witness the economic disaster. When Chavalit came to power in November 1996, the economy
had already crashed. It would hit rock bottom in 1997 with the collapse of the financial
system and the depletion of the foreign exchange reserves. All this time, Chatichai, who
wanted to take a second turn as prime minister, took advantage of the opportunity, as the
second largest coalition partner in the Chavalit administration, to create an image of a
shadow prime minister.
The four former prime ministers yesterday showed off their different motives as they
faced, or tried to forget, the reality of why Thailand went from a miracle economy to a
wrecked economy.