Rerngchai - sinner or scapegoat?
November 28, 2001
Rerngchai Marakanond, a former Bank of Thailand governor,
is about to pay a dear price for his central role in the futile baht defence
in 1997. Is he a scapegoat? Thanong
Khanthong looks at the baht-defence debacle.
Why did Rerngchai Marakanond and his top officials decide to defend the
baht in 1997 until the foreign-exchange reserves were almost depleted
and they were left with no choice but to float the currency? If they had
decided earlier to adjust the fixed-exchange rate system by weakening
the baht, altering the basket of currencies, widening the trading band
or floating the baht outright, they would have preserved the foreign-exchange
reserves and saved Thailand from catastrophe.
The problem is that most people become experts only after all the facts
have been laid out before them.
Looking back at the chain of tumultuous events, it is easy to pinpoint
certain decisions Rerngchai and his top officials could or should have
made. They could have floated the baht in December 1996, when the hedge
funds first started to attack the currency; or in February or March 1997,
after the currency skirmish that become known as the St Valentine's Day
bloodbath; or even on May 12, 1997, right in the middle of the fiercest
baht battle.
MR Chatu Mongol Sonakul, then permanent secretary for finance, was one
of the sceptics of the fixed-exchange rate regime. He doubted that the
baht could hold on amid the speculative pressure, the deteriorating economic
conditions and most importantly, the capital outflows. During the crisis,
he had several heated debates with Chaiyawat Wibulsawasdi, then deputy
governor and the architect of the fixed-exchange rate system.
"Don't you ever think that you know all the problems alone,"
Chatu Mongol yelled at Chaiyawat at one point.
In an interview in April 1998, Chatu Mongol said that if the central
bank had acted on the baht by widening the trading band or by devaluing
it by 15 per cent in February 1997, the currency could have been salvaged
at least at the Bt28/US dollar level. He believed that even though Thailand
would still have been facing a crisis, the pain could have been substantially
For then the country would have at least been able to preserve US$24
billion in foreign-exchange reserves. The crisis would have been alleviated
to a certain extent. And Thailand would not have had to surrender its
financial sovereignty by seeking a $17.2-billion rescue package from the
International Monetary Fund.
A group of US currency speculators also did their own post-mortem reckoning.
According to Eugene Linden, ("How to Kill a Tiger," Time magazine,
November 3, 1997, pages 24-25), US speculators believed that "a pre-emptive
devaluation would have cost the (Bank of Thailand) about $10 billion of
its $38 billion in reserves". But they said the reserves would have
quickly been recouped because of the credibility the Thai authorities
would have earned in the international marketplace.
Others view that any act on the baht would not have made a big difference,
given the impending collapse of the economic bubble and the insolvency
in the financial system.
The burden of his high office and the rapidly deteriorating circumstances
caught Rerngchai off guard. His capacity to respond was awkward. He also
had a limited understanding of the sophistication and complexity of modern
financial markets. Most importantly, he and his team misread the big picture
and didn't anticipate the consequences of a depletion of the foreign-exchange
reserves and a forced devaluation.
As Rerngchai has confessed: "During the baht attack aggravated by
the financial-system crisis, I had sleepless nights and, at times, almost
suffered from a nervous breakdown."
On Black Wednesday, May 14, 1997, the hedge-fund operators and international
money managers cornered Rerngchai and his team before dropping what amounted
to an atomic bomb. They bet $10 billion against the baht that day alone.
It was a winner-take-all gamble.
Since Rerngchai had delayed making the decision on abandoning the currency
peg, he was led into that inevitable final confrontation. The global financial
markets would force him to correct the macroeconomic imbalances, or the
overvalued baht in this particular case, in the most painful and brutal
At that point, Rerngchai had still decided to continue with the defence,
because it was too late to give in without wreaking havoc on the entire
payment system. The central bank matched the assault dollar-for-dollar
and ended up depleting what was left of the reserves on that single day.
That day was the culmination of a six-month period during which the central
bank blew away more than $30 billion in foreign-exchange reserves. Rerngchai
had tried to defend a fortress that could not be defended.
When shortly after, in August, the Kingdom sought a $17.2-billion rescue
package from the IMF, the bank's net reserves had plunged to $800 million,
a far cry from the $33.8 billion in December 1996.
This depletion of the reserves shocked creditors and investors, who completely
lost confidence in Thailand, which had racked up what was then reported
to be $90 billion in foreign-currency loans. (The central bank later found
out that the actual size of the country's foreign-currency debt was $112
Of this amount, $40 billion was short-term debts, which were largely
unhedged for currency risks and would have to be repaid within 12 months.
Realising that Thailand would not have enough reserves to cover its short-term
debts, foreign creditors and investors headed for the exits in panic.
The massive capital outflow hit the economy like an earthquake.
The scene looked like people scrambling for the doors in a theatre after
they heard somebody cry out the word "fire".
Shortly after the floating of the baht on July 2, 1997, Chaiyawat came
out to assure the financial markets that the fundamental value of the
currency should be around Bt28-Bt29 to the US dollar. If the worst came
to the worst, he would accept that the baht should hover around Bt31-Bt32.
Yet after Thailand was forced by the IMF to publicly disclose its foreign-exchange
swap contracts of $24.3 billion in August 1997, its credit standing immediately
went down the tubes. And the baht slipped into a free fall.
In the eyes of the creditors, a Thailand without reserves was bankrupt.
Nobody was paying any attention to the economic fundamentals. The foreign
creditors and investors pulled out their investments abruptly from Thailand
and subsequently from the region because they were afraid that other countries
might also lie about their foreign-exchange reserves.
The result was severe economic dislocation, which changed the fundamentals
in a spiral effect. This panic brought down the Asian miracle almost overnight.
It was a classic crisis of confidence that would lead to a collapse in
domestic demand and a severe economic contraction the following year.
The baht eventually hit rock bottom at Bt56 to the dollar on January 12,
1998. That year Thailand saw its GDP shrink 10 per cent.
This was quite unthinkable and very unnatural. But it did happen.
The men who defended the baht
In apportioning blame, it is necessary to start at the top.
General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, then prime minister, and Amnuay Viravan,
then finance minister, could not deny their responsibility for the baht
fiasco. In an absence of leadership, the decision-making process had totally
broken down.
Chavalit was an idle prime minister at Government House, not knowing
the scale or the consequences of the baht battle. He was told by Rerngchai
every time they met that the speculators would be dealt with decisively
and that the Bank of Thailand would not have any problem bringing the
crisis situation under control.
Chavalit frequently said that economics was not his trade, for he had
spent most of his life in the military and in national security fields.
Currency swaps were something exotic, beyond his grasp.
The central bank's foreign-exchange policy was a collective decision-making
process. It involved Rerngchai; Chaiyawat, also manager of the Exchange
Equalisation Fund; Siri Garnjaroendee, the assistant governor; Tanya Sirivedhin,
another assistant governor; Bandid Nijathaworn, the director of the Banking
Department; and Paiboon Kittisrikangwan, the division chief of the Banking
There had been little unity among members of this elite group. The stature
of the Bank of Thailand had already been eroding. Years of success had
bred a culture of overconfidence and elitism. Personally, Rerngchai was
not on good terms with Chaiyawat, who believed himself to be more qualified
than the governor in matters of macroeconomics.
During the tenure of former governor Vijit Supinit, Rerngchai was kept
inactive. He stayed at the note-issuing department for seven years, playing
practically no role in any major policy decisions. When he took over the
governorship in July 1996, the macroeconomic conditions of the country
had already started to deteriorate.
Intellectually, Rerngchai was totally unprepared to cope with the financial
and foreign-exchange crisis. Psychologically, he was not equipped for
the demanding job either. He rose to the helm due to a bureaucratic system
based on seniority instead of merit. Banharn Silapa-archa, the former
prime minister, said he was obliged to appoint Rerngchai as governor because
Rerngchai threatened to resign if he did not get the appointment.
Naturally, Rerngchai did not trust Chaiyawat, who was acknowledged as
his superior intellectually. So he made Siri his top lieutenant. Much
to the dissatisfaction of his colleagues, Siri was entrusted to simultaneously
take charge of the Banking Department and the supervision of financial
institutions. Chaiyawat was not happy at all.
After Chaiyawat returned to the Bank of Thailand following a brief stint
as deputy and acting finance minister for the Banharn administration,
Rerngchai asked him what kind of job he would like to do. Chaiyawat said
he would prefer to keep his job at the Exchange Equalisation Fund and
oversee the Economics Research Department. Rerngchai readily agreed.
As governor, Rerngchai would automatically act as commander in chief,
personally responsible for foreign-exchange policy.
Between July 1996 and April 1997, Rerngchai was in full command. But
in the ensuing period, he would be increasingly preoccupied with the crisis
of the financial institutions. Since foreign exchange was not his field
of expertise, the governor had an excuse to focus his energy on tackling
the crumbling financial sector. Some time in March, he orally assigned
Chaiyawat to look after baht policy.
As governor, Rerngchai naturally felt insecure to have a technically
far superior No-2 man at his side.
Chaiyawat felt that he was not treated according to his capabilities.
So, during the baht crisis, he managed to find time to write a book on
stamp collecting. Later on, when he was questioned as to why he had become
indifferent in the atmosphere of crisis, Chaiyawat defended his record
by saying that he had not been given any important assignments. All the
responsibilities were kept by the governor alone, he said.
However, Chaiyawat was at that time general manager of the Exchange Equalisation
Fund, or guardian of the basket-of-currencies system.
The collective decision-making of the bank, as it turned out, evolved
into individual judgements as to whether the fixed-exchange rate system
should be altered. Siri and Tanya were more inclined to support a more
flexible baht policy. Chaiyawat, Bandid and Paiboon thought that they
could defend the baht. The governor went along with the Chaiyawat camp
since Chaiyawat was supposed to know best.
The accepted line was that there would be no devaluation, nor any adjustment
of foreign-exchange policy until the financial-sector crisis had been
resolved. The Bank of Thailand's officials hardly came to grips with the
reality that tackling the financial-sector crisis would take time.
In April 1997, the Baan Phitsanulok advisory team proposed to the prime
minister that the baht be devalued by 15 per cent to jump-start exports.
Narongchai Akrasanee, then commerce minister who earned a PhD in economics
from Johns Hopkins University, had also been urging the prime minister
to adjust the foreign-exchange regime.
But Chavalit told him that he had got assurances from the Bank of Thailand
that the reserves were still ample, covering six months of imports and
so there was nothing to worry about.
Amnuay was also kept at arm's length from the Bank of Thailand's currency-war
efforts, although he was in a position to have exercised greater leadership.
He had the false impression that Rerngchai and his team knew exactly what
they were doing.
Technically, Amnuay, too, did not understand the implications of the
currency-swap or the baht-defence operation that was going on behind his
He used to ask Rerngchai why the foreign-exchange reserves level barely
fell even after the Bank of Thailand had sold dollars to prop up the baht.
Amnuay was told that that was because the Bank of Thailand was doing currency
swaps, which also helped it manage liquidity.
"Is that it?" he asked. He did not probe further.
Since Rerngchai could not exercise his leadership to alter the foreign-exchange
regime in the middle of the battle, he had to go long with the Banking
Department's tactic of buying time.
The defence team thought that Thailand was facing a cyclical downturn,
as evidenced by the slight improvements in exports and the current account
in the first half of 1997. So, once problems in the financial system were
resolved, confidence would return and capital would flow back to add to
the Bank of Thailand's reserves.
But the team did not weigh the downside risks in the event that capital
did not flow back. By engaging in currency swaps, the Bank of Thailand
had spent its "future" dollars and might not have enough for
settlements. It was a gamble that would backfire.
Amnuay had spent his early career at the Finance Ministry, so he understood
the protocol. He had respect for the governor, in whom he also had full
It can be established that the hawkish members of the inner circle of
the central bank's policy-makers who made decisions on the baht policy
included Chaiyawat, Bandid and Paiboon. Their belief in the currency peg
was like an article of faith. They sincerely believed in the integrity
of the fixed-exchange rate system, Thailand's last stronghold that should
not be yielded.
Unpegging the baht would amount to a leap into chaos and uncertainty.
Even after the mid-May baht attack and even before Amnuay's resignation
on June 19, 1997, Chaiyawat's belief in the currency peg was still not
shaken. His premise was that the country's economic fundamentals remained
strong, that the slowdown was only cyclical, and that the baht was not
With this wishful thinking, Chaiyawat signalled that the bank's defence
of the baht should continue as the economy went through temporary adjustments
on its way to an eventual recovery and as the banking officials tried
to attend to the ailing financial system.
Chaiyawat, who was one of the architects of a successful 17-per-cent
devaluation in 1984, cast his long and influential shadow over the Bank
of Thailand's foreign-exchange policy. Any foreign-exchange adjustments
would be impossible without his approval, given his "superior intellect",
compared with his boss, Rerngchai.
By the line of command, he looked after the Economics Research Department
and the Exchange Equalisation Fund. Rerngchai would not have the guts
to alter the foreign-exchange policy without Chaiyawat's seal of approval.
Chaiyawat was a true believer in the strength of Thailand's economic fundamentals.
That was why he did not find it necessary to alter the foreign-exchange
policy because eventually the fundamentals would prevail.
Even with the current-account deficit rising to 8 per cent of gross domestic
product, Chaiyawat still believed that the deficit was a "good deficit"
because the borrowed money was being used for capital investment in machinery
equipment and raw materials for re-export. Olarn Chaipravat, then president
of Siam Commercial Bank, held a similar view. The deficit did not derive
from over-consumption.
But what nobody realised was that Thailand was already suffering from
over-investment and an unproductive allocation of financial resources
that would damage the financial system.
Economist Virabongsa Ramangkura did not believe that the current-account
deficit was sustainable. He called for a devaluation in the early part
of 1997 so that export growth could be revived. By doing so, a correction
in the current account would also take place. In early June he also recommended
to Chavalit that the baht be devalued to Bt32, a level that he believed
the market would accept.
In the contentious debate over currency policy, time was to ultimately
prove Virabongsa correct and Chaiyawat and Olarn wrong.
Rerngchai later bitterly recalled the circumstances surrounding his indecisiveness
in dealing with the currency problems, complaining he did not get any
signals from his top officials.
"How could I argue against them? They were the top brains of the
country. I confess that I could never match their eloquence. They brought
together all the statistics. If I did not believe them, to whom should
I turn?" he said.
Since the Economics Research Department and the Banking Department had
never signalled any change in the baht policy, Rerngchai was obliged to
muddle through. He moved on to tackle the financial-institutions problem
with different initiatives such as measures to govern mergers and acquisitions
in April 1997, and the closing down of 16 finance companies in late June
On May 12, 1997, two days before the biggest attack, when he wrote and
released his pivotal report on the foreign-exchange situation, Bandid
essentially called for a continuation of the baht defence.
"The scale of the attack has become more serious and the latest
incident has incurred higher losses to the reserves in the intervention
to stabilise the foreign-exchange rate. Now the net foreign-exchange reserves
have slightly fallen below the level needed to back the note issue. It
is therefore necessary for the central bank to seriously consider the
maximum limit at which the intervention to maintain the baht stability
is tolerated, or at which the present foreign-exchange rate regime should
be put under review," he wrote.
Even though Bandid recognised that the baht defence was a temporary measure
to buy time for the government to pursue other policies and measures to
tackle the economy's fundamental problems, he could not bring himself
to recommend a change to the foreign-exchange regime apart from suggesting
a possible review.
Paiboon was then a currency dealer, so he did not have the macro view.
He appeared to believe that if the currency peg were altered, capital
would not flow back into the country and that the Bank of Thailand would
not be able to contain the damage and would suffer a similar fate to Mexico,
which had suffered the collapse of the peso.
Tanya was quiet most of the time, although she, like Siri, had doubts
that the peg would hold. She was weak and would play it safe. Both Tanya
and Siri could not bring themselves to take a stand against Chaiyawat.
In one session after a heavy baht attack, Siri asked Tanya in a meeting
about the real effective exchange rate of the baht or whether the baht
was overvalued. Tanya did not reply, simply raising all of her 10 fingers
in the air. The baht was overvalued by 10 per cent! Siri did not dare
to look into the face of Chaiyawat.
The Nukul Commission blamed Siri for his lack of courage in fighting
for what he believed was right. It believed that by May 12 when the Bandid
report was passed on to Rerngchai on that same day, it was too late to
reverse the situation.
Siri was also reprimanded for remaining idle or keeping his silence while
the Bank of Thailand was incurring billion-dollar losses every day in
its reserves due to a delay in adjusting the foreign-exchange regime.
"It is regretful that Siri lacked the courage or the self confidence
to say what he believed to be right to protect the interest of the country,"
the Nukul Commission said. The commission also got the impression from
Siri that Rerngchai, as boss, did not want to listen to a dissenting opinion.
Siri reacted bitterly to the judgement. He thought that the Nukul Commission
treated him unfairly. In his statement of rebuttal, he said he had been
sceptical of the currency peg since late 1996 when the baht had come under
several rounds of attack. By March 1997 after he talked it over with David
Robinson, who headed the IMF mission to Thailand, he began to seriously
change his mind. Robinson went over to his office and urged him to persuade
Rerngchai to alter the foreign-exchange regime. Robinson made it clear
that Thailand would face a financial disaster if it did not change the
peg. He also warned that the fallout from the Thai crisis could trigger
a regional contagion effect.
Siri testified to the Nukul Commission that he had done his best to call
for a change to the currency regime. He then blamed the culture within
the Bank of Thailand, which did not encourage straight talking. "We
would not hurt each other's feelings; a practice of writing a memoir to
express a dissenting opinion never took place because we respected each
other," he said.
Yet Siri said he had followed his duty by issuing the protests. He added
that the Economics Research Department - which is the brains of the Bank
of Thailand and controls all the economic and financial and foreign-exchange
data - had never suggested any adjustment in the currency regime. So it
was impossible for people in the operation such as the Banking Department
to do anything but continue to defend the baht.
Siri argued that that even in the middle of the baht battle on Monday,
May 12, 1997, it was still not too late to save Thailand. For on that
day it was he who ordered Bandid to pen the report on the worsening foreign-exchange
crisis, so that he could jam a brake on the mad defence.
As of that day, the net reserves stood at $17.74 billion, still higher
than the IMF's rescue package of $17.2 billion and higher than they would
be a year later in May, 1998 - $11.4 billion.
Siri said that before May 12, 1997 the Bank of Thailand had lost $8 billion-$9
billion from its reserves defending the baht, compared to the $13-$14
billion it would lose on the three days between Tuesday May 13 and Thursday
May 15, 1997 alone.
But after Siri passed on the report to Rerngchai and Chaiyawat, the response
was muted.
"I am confident that if my protest had been responded to immediately,
the Bank of Thailand would still have kept this $17.74 billion and the
damage to the Thai economy would certainly have been significantly less.
At least, the Bank of Thailand could have saved the reserves from the
intervention after May 12, 1997," he said.
See: How the baht was "attacked".